"Invaders From Mars:Part II...The Rest of the Story" Part VII...

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"Invaders From Mars II..."

Summary: David's dream was a premotion but the actual story went a bit differently...

Part VII...

An urgent call on their way out, from Ruth, Fielding's secretary, had kept the Colonel and Dr. Kelston from proceeding to the alien crash site...And instead directed them to the town's train station.

"So, an attractive brown-haired woman in her thirties with a small boy took the 9:55 train last night..." the Colonel eyed the ticket attendant who shrugged from behind his grill. Kelston and two soldiers beside him.

"She was plenty anxious to make that train." The man nodded. "Looked like she'd messed up her dress some rushin' over to the station. Tried to get me to take a check, then..." he looked away.

"What did she do?!" Kelston, annoyed.

Or rather, what did you do? He glared.

"She went over to some guy and they...Well..." leer.

"All right, Kelston." The Colonel urged as Kelston angrily moved at the grill, furious now. "What exactly happened, friend?" He turned back to address the attendant. "This is a military matter and martial law is in effect in town right now."

"Hey, no skin off my nose. I didn't do anything." The man frowned.

"Well then...?" the Colonel, eyeing him sternly. Kelston, barely containing himself.

"She left the kid a moment on the bench and went into the restroom area with the guy."

"What guy?!" Kelston, angrily.

"Who knows?" shrug. "See...That's where they...The girls...Usually..." the man stopped at the look from Kelston.

"Ok. We get the message." The Colonel noted. "So she came back and then had the money and bought tickets for where?"

"Iowa City...Bought a compartment actually. She was suddenly pretty flush..." start of a smile, cut off by Kelston's glare.

"That's enough of that." The Colonel told him. "What about the man? Did he go with her?"

Kelston eyeing the Colonel, then the attendant...Who gulped a bit at the look.

"No...She and the kid went to the train. The guy came out a while later...Didn't look so good, him, I mean...But, hey, I don't interfere with people. He left."

"You'd no idea who he was or where he went?" the Colonel asked.

"He went over to the buses. Didn't say much to me. Already had bought a ticket, earlier...I think to Cleveland, 'cause he asked if that one had left. You can check with Sid on the Greyhound there. He collects all the receipts and was manning the booth."

"Forbes?" the Colonel turned to one soldier, a corporal. "Go find this 'Sid' in the bus terminal and have him come out here. Tell him it's a military matter and I want him to bring all ticket receipts from 9 pm on."

"Yes, sir." Forbes saluted and headed off to the bus area.

"I want all your train receipts from last night after 9, too, friend." The Colonel told the attendant who sighed but started looking.

"This is my fault." The Colonel sighed as he and Kelston and the remaining soldier, a private, stepped away, waiting. "I should have had this station closed immediately."

"Colonel, you know what this means?" Kelston, suddenly beaming.

"Yes, they're alive...It is good news, Kelston. But Dr. Blake, at least, must be under their control." The Colonel noted.

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