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P.s. The timeline for the sports championship and TayNew story plot is different.

Today was the last day of the championship ad Gmm University was at the top.

Their last match was football with Kasetsart University.

Fourth was going to the dressing room to get changed into his football jersey , when he heard two familiar voices coming from a deserted corner.

Under the influence of his curiosity , his steps unconsciously took him there.

When he saw the scene in front of him , his blood boiled with anger.

He saw Jake was about to slap Nyura.

Stop right there jerk ! Fourth shouted through gritted teeth.

Oh ! we have a spectator ! Jake commented in a taunting voice.

Fourth please go back , you shouldn't be here. Nyura's voice came out muffled because of Jake's harsh grip on her cheeks.

And we have an asshole here , who thinks he is some kind of an alpha male , after abusing innocent people. Fourth provoked.

Jake's grip over Nyura's cheeks loosened and he took fast steps in Fourth's direction.

Without giving Fourth a chance , Jake harshly grabbed Fourth and banged him on the wall.

Fourth hissed at the harsh contact of his left shoulder with wall. Maybe he will have to see a doctor.

After getting yourself a boyfriend , this little mouth of yours knows how to speak huh ?! Jake shouted at his face.

their conversation was cut short with Fourth's phone ringing. It was Gemini calling.

Its your boyfriend ! Jake remarked with an evil smile and threw the phone on the ground.

But Fourth was smarter , he had already received the call.

Jake this is between me and you , let him go. Nyura tried to free Fourth from Jake's grip.

But now its between me and him. Jake replied and started to laugh like a mad man.

On the other hand when Gemini picked up the phone , he could only hear Jake's creepy laugh and Nyura's voice.

What did Fourth tell you about his whereabouts ? Gemini turned to Phuwin in panic.

He said he was going to the dressing room never the Bio lab to get changed. As soon as he got his required answered , Gemini made a run for the bio lab , internally praying for his boyfriend's safety.

I said let him go dickhead ! This time it was Nyura who shouted.

Just shut the fuck up bitch ! Jake replied and landed a slap on her face.

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