Chapter 14

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" Everyone wake up ! ", chaeyoung and dahyun shouted happily

Everyone didn't listen , they just wanted to get more rest .

" There's a chopper in the sky ! ", dahyun announced which makes everyone snap their eyes open .

There they saw a chopper in the sky . They all shouted and used light sticks to get the person inside the chopper attention .

The chopper slowly went down and stopped on the rooftop . After awhile , someone came out .

" Are y'all survivors ? Is there anyone else who's still alive in the school ? Is anyone here bitten ? ", they questioned the students to make sure that they are still alive .

After checking the students one by one , everyone was safe to alight .

They slowly wait for each other and everyone alight the chopper .

Slowly , the chopper flew away to their quarantine camp .

When they reached the quarantine camp , all of them were separated into girls and guys . This meant that they will be sleeping in different places , which is just opposite to each other .

Everyone was delighted that they finally are rescued but in the same time , they are sad that it wasn't complete , not all of them survived the zombie apocalypse .

" Goodnight guys , see y'all tomorrow ", the guys said which the firls just nodded their head before falling asleep straight away as they were too tired .

" Is this true , did we actually get rescued ? ", Chaeyoung asked

" Of course , we don't have to worry anymore ", Mina said , looking at Chaeyoung lovingly which makes Chaeyoung blushed .

" Guys to be honest , even though we are rescued and finally get to shower , eat and a bed to sleep comfortably , for some reasons it's still telling me that we should not put our guard down as if this place is not really safe enough for us ", Sana share her worries

" Maybe u should just sleep for now , let's think about other things tomorrow with the boys ", Tzuyu said before hugging Sana to sleep and Sana just kept quiet after that and snuggle to Tzuyu's neck .

" There really must have been something going on between these two ", Nayeon commented

" For real , they are being so obvious ", Jihyo agreed

" Don't be jealous , let's just sleep now ", Jeongyeon said , pulling Nayeon into a hug

Everyone just looked at them in disbelief .

" They are being more obvious ", Dahyun said

" I have nothing more to say , i just want to sleep now dahyuniee~ ", Momo pout sleepily

" Shit , now I'm in trouble too ", dahyun said embarrassed , before pulling the cover up to hide , which Momo also joined later

Everyone just laughed at the scene they have been witnessing since just now .

" Everyone is becoming weirder day by day ", jihyo commented before turning off the lights and slept .

The boys cabin

They were just playing around with each other until everyone started getting tired and rest on their beds .

" Guys , thank you for everything ", Changbin suddenly said out of nowhere

Everyone just looked at him confused before laughing ," why are u saying this so suddenly ? ", Bangchan laughed

" I don't know...just felt like saying it before it was too late ", Changbin replied

" HAHAHA . Nothing will happen , we are finally rescued and in a safe place right now , don't be too worried ", Hyunjin said

Changbin just nodded his head before lying down on his bed .

" He's so random ", Han commented which everyone just laughed before going to sleep

Leeknow stood up and turn off the lights . He tried falling asleep but for some reasons , he couldn't stop thinking about something .

When they finished showering just now , he accidentally saw a glimpse of a wound on Changbin's leg when he was changing into a new pair of clothes .

He tried not to think much about it and just fall asleep but it was disrupted when he saw Changbin standing up slowly from his bed and went out quietly . He checked his watch but it was already 3am .

He followed behind secretly which Han also notice as he was sharing the same bed as Leeknow and he felt the movements of the other .

Han also stood up quietly and followed behind them .

Suddenly , he saw Changbin stopped in the toilet with Leeknow hiding outside  .

He was shocked when suddenly Changbin let out a loud grunt , he was about to approached Changbin when suddenly Lee know hold his wrist back and make him hide with him instead .

" What are u doing here ? ", Leeknow asked

" I saw u following him so i followed along from behind ", Han answered

" Let's leave this place quietly , we are no longer safe here ", leeknow said

" U wake the girls up and i go to the boys , meet at the corner of the building where we always secretly meet ", leeknow instructed

" Why is this place not safe and why do u want me to wake the girls up ? ", Han asked confusedly

Leeknow just asked him to look in the toilet as a proof . That's when Han realized that Changbin has already been bitten by the zombies .

" Fuck , let's go ", Han said before they quietly walk away .

" Everyone wake up ! We have to leave now ", both Han and Leeknow went to their respective places and wake the others

Everyone stared at them sleepily .

" What are you talking about ? "

" Changbin... he has turned...", both said sadly

Everyone quicklt shot up and looked at them with their shocked expression .

" When did this happened ? "

" Let's go for now , we will talk later . We are not safe here anymore ", both said

Everyone quickly rushed out , that's when they saw the chaos happening again outside their cabin .

They quickly ran to their secret place . After both groups arrived , leeknow quickly asked them to jump out . They let the girls go first before the guys followed along from the back .

" Fuck , here we go again ", everyone said in sync .

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