Part 26

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Week pass

Jimmy sea wedding day

Come on baby. New said to sea

Hia. Sea look at his brother with doe eyes.

What happened baby. New ask

Hia im nervous. Sea rply

It's ok baby we are with you. New said with smile.

Sea nodded.

They go to wedding hall where everyone wait for them.

Hey Jim look. Tay said elbowed him. Jim look at sea and he just stare at him
He look so beautiful and cute.

Ahhhhum. Tay snap Him from thought.

I know he is looking beautiful now don't fuck him by your gaze. You have time you'll you know what I mean.

Tay you brat. I'll for sure fuck you.

No no czn the one you fuck is that person and pointed to sea.

Jim now curse him because he don't able to beat him in front of guest.

Sea you look so beautiful. I know today Jim don't able to breathe . Book said hugging him.

Sea blushed

Oh someone blushed. Book said teasing him

Phi Book stop. Sea whined

Oh oh look like our baby is not baby anymore. Force said while laughing

Stop phi it's embarrassing. Sea said while pouting.

Hey you both stop and don't you dare to tease him now let's go..

BY the way the cradit goes to his beautiful brother. New said proudly and they all laugh.

Come baby everyone wait for us.

They go toward stage Jim took sea hand and make him stand in front of him.

The priest start wedding

Do you Jimmy jitaraphole take sea tawinan as your husband.

I do. Jim said while looking at sea with smile.

Do you sea tawinan took Jimmy jitaraphole as your husband and live your all life with him

Sea look at new

New nodded with smile.

I do. Sea said while looking down

Now you both officially husbands you may kiss priest announce.

Sea become red. Jim just coo at his reaction .

Don't worry I know you feel uncomfortable and He kiss him on cheek and smile. Everyone cheer for them.

Everyone now enjoy the wedding. Sea stand with book Jim look at him time to time

Ahhhhum tay come.

Everyone look at him.

Sea baby so as you know you have now do few things. Tay said in playfull manner.

Tay you asshole if you say anything rubbish I'll for sure don't hasitate to beat shit of you. Jim said in anger.

What do you mean you are the one who thinks dirty..tay react like a annocent person.
I just wanna tell him take care of my this dumb czn who is unfortunately now his husband.

Tay I know how annocent you are and for your kind information I feel so sorry for new that he got married to such a useless brat like you. Jim said rolling eyes

Oh and what about you then I feel like that how sea get married to you. May be you threat him uhhhh poor sea now bear a fool and bastard. Jim hit him across his back. And stretch his hand tay hissed in pain

Ahhhh OK ok you are so humble handsome and hot now leave me.

Why you always tell truth after beating. Jim said leaving him

Hhhhhh truth.

Tay now stop otherwise I ban you both from this house.

They both silent like a child.

Guest was gone now sea tay new and Jim in mansion.

At night

Baby. New said to sea

Yes hia. Sea ask

Baby now you know you are not single you are married I know you still baby for me and for all. But baby if Jim say something to you he's saying that just for your benefit. If he do anything to you Don't stop him he loves you baby.

Sea nodded.

New bring him to Jimmy room. Which is little bit decorate.

Now this is your room OK. You'll live here forever with Jim. Be happy and blessed New hug him and cried

Hey hia plz don't cry I never complained about anything ok I'll be good husband. Sea said hugging him

Hia will phi Jim comfortable with me if he's not then can I leave this room then. Sea asked annocently

Oh why Jim not comfortable with you he loves you don't think too much ok. New said while smile

OK  I should leave now. And new left him alone.

New came to his room and tears fall from his eyes tay came to him and hug him.

Don't worry new everything will be fine I trust Jim he'll take care of him more than his self. Tay said while hug him and caressing his hair new nodded. Suddenly tay feel bump

Aww look baby our little baby tell his ma don't worry. Everything will be fine and plz give kiss to my dada. Tay said new laugh.

New feel too contractions now a day.

Tay you are so naughty. He kiss him but tay deepend the kiss after sometime they apart and then go back to sleep.

Sea don't know what to do he don't want to touch anything without their owner permission.

He sit on couch and wait for jim

After 10 minutes Jim came. He quickly stand from couch and looking down. Jim came to him he raise his head.

Why you sit here you should sleep on bed you must be tired. Jim said smiling

Uhhhh. Phi I don't know whether you comfortable with me or not so I don't want to touch anything here. Sea said

Let me spell it out baby now you are my husband. You have right on everything which belong to me you have right on me. Never ever hasitate to touch anything here and also you do everything here what you want. Jim said caressing his cheeks

OK. Sea said quietly.

OK now go take shower your pajamas are hanging in our wardrobe and then sleep OK don't give too much pressure to your little head and they both laugh.

After sometime they both lay on bed.

Jim just look at sea but then divert his gaze. He don't want to do anything to him without his permission.

Sea sometimes later sleep while Jim still awake. He think about sea and he is so happy that he have now him Suddenly sea hug him in sleep. Jim just smile kiss him on head and go to sleep.


This is for today

Bye reader

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