Part 31 ~ Till my Last Breath

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                                        Aditya's Pov

" SHE  IS  MY  WIFE " I repeated, each word laced with a steely conviction that echoed through the hall . The  hall echoed with the weight of my words , each syllable a resolute beat in the tense silence. I declared, the words ringing with a steely conviction that seemed to reverberate off the walls, filling the expansive space with the undeniable truth.

The flicker of candlelight danced in their eyes, reflecting the disbelief that clouded their expressions but I stood firm, my stance unwavering, my voice unwaveringly resolute.

It was not just a statement , it was a proclamation of ownership, a claim of possession over her heart . With each word, I felt the bond between us grow stronger, a palpable force that enveloped us both in its unyielding embrace , atleast from my side because I couldn't deny my feelings anymore but I know she feels the opposite .

In that moment, there was no room for doubt or uncertainty . She was mine to protect , bound to me by a bond that transcended mere words, a bond forged in the fires of passion and tempered by the trials of life.

The air in the hall hung heavy, charged with tension. I stood tall , shoulders squared and met their incredulous gaze with unwavering determination. The weight of those words, of that unyielding declaration, reverberated off the walls, filling the room with an undeniable truth.

They exchanged looks, a mixture of surprise and disbelief flashing in their eyes. But I held their gaze, unflinching, my voice a steady anchor in the storm of emotions. it was a testament to the depth of my commitment, a vow spoken not just to them but to the universe. In that moment, there was no room for doubt or hesitation.

In that moment, the full weight of my commitment to her bore down on me, fueling the flames of rage that burned within. My heart pounded in my chest, a relentless rhythm that mirrored the fury coursing through my veins. I refused to entertain the notion of betrayal, to entertain even for a moment the thought of abandoning her in her hour of need. She was my wife, my partner in this tumultuous journey we had embarked upon together, and I would defend her with every fiber of my being. As the silence stretched on, my resolve remained unyielding, a beacon of strength amidst the storm of uncertainty. Whatever challenges lay ahead, whatever trials we would face, I vowed to stand by her side, unwavering in my loyalty and devotion.

" Adi, I—I can't believe you just did that " Dadisa's voice quivered, her hands clenching the edge of the table as if holding onto the last shreds of her composure. Tears welled up in her eyes, reflecting the pain and disbelief etched on her face. "If you didn't like Tara, you could've just told me. Why this betrayal ?"

The room felt suffocatingly still, the only sound the soft hitching of Dadisa's breath as she fought to contain her emotions. Every word she spoke was like a dagger, each one laced with the betrayal she felt. The weight of her disappointment settled on my shoulders, heavy and suffocating.

"I'm sorry, Dadisa " I murmured, my voice barely above a whisper. "I never meant to betray you but you don't see the game this man has played with all of us , he played us , he wanted to kill his own daughter for money and reputation , he is no one's" I confronted .

But my words seemed feeble in the face of her pain. Dadisa turned away, her sobs filling the room with a heart-wrenching melody of grief. The sight was unbearable, a stark reminder of the irreparable damage I had caused. The air was thick with the scent of incense, a poignant reminder of the rituals and traditions that had once bound our family together.

In that moment, the gravity of my actions hit me like a tidal wave. I had not just hurt Dadisa . I had shattered her trust, broken a bond that I had always cherished . And as I stood there, enveloped in the silence of my betrayal, I knew that no apology could ever undo the damage I had done.

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