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Today's question: Your Most Favorite Character (Male/ Female) Written By Me?

Warning: Slightly Mature. Hints of torture are present. Read at your own risk.

Unaiza bit her lower lip in apprehension as she asked the driver to change the route from the one leading to her house. After pondering a lot, she finally took Inaya's call. She said she needed to meet her and a few days back, Huzaifa asked her the same too. And perhaps she really needed to have a face-to-face discussion with Inaya to tell her that she wasn't in between her and Huzaifa. The fact that Unaiza would be helping them should also be told to Inaya. Huzaifa always remained worried because of this and maybe Inaya's suspicion of her was the cause of it.

Inaya had asked her to meet her in a nearby cafe. As she spotted the informed location, Unaiza stopped the driver. Inaya said that she was in a hurry and they should just talk here. She told the driver to wait as she ambled towards the cafe.

On the far left table, she saw Inaya sitting confidently. In a tight white cropped top, blue jeans, and blue jacket, she looked as beautiful as usual with her silky hair tied in a stylish ponytail.

Just like Huzaifa's choice.

Inaya's sharp eyes shone brightly at her sight. A sinful smile came across her lips as she didn't find any need to stand up to welcome her. Unaiza became more self-conscious as her gait trembled while approaching her.

"Hi Unaiza," Inaya greeted her with a fake hospitality.

"Hi," she whispered back with a timid smile.

"I don't need to ask you about how you are doing because you must be feeling like the luckiest girl alive because you hit a jackpot with such ---" She moved her index finger up and down on her figure. "Personality. Such look and such poor background."

Unaiza pressed her lips together as her face suddenly reddened in embarrassment.

Inaya glared at her. "You can't snatch my Huzaifa from me. He is still mine and he will remain mine always."

Unaiza swallowed. "I never thought the other way around too, Inaya. I know he is yours. I know he still loves you and I won't come in between you. The reason why I came here is because I want to assure you that I consider your place in his heart and life. I will never do the opposite. In fact, I will talk to his parents and they will agree to your marriage with him."

Inaya raised a perfectly arched eyebrow. "Will you do that?"

Unaiza nodded. "Of course, I want Huzaifa to be happy and his happiness is linked to you."

Inaya laughed slightly under her breath. "But my happiness is related to him alone. Alone means I don't want to see him with you. You have to leave him because this is what his happiness is. He doesn't want to keep you as his wife."

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