Listen Closely

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Chapter 33
( 1 month later -Regionals )
Rachels pov :
I was back stage waiting to go on . Vocal Adrenaline decided that I would be singing my original song as our opening. I was so nervous about it I don't know why I mean I had performed before but never my own song . I was backstage getting ready when someone said, "Rachel !" I turned around and smiled as I saw all my old friends from McKinley. "Kurt ,Quinn , Tina, Mercedes, Artie , What are you guys doing here? " I asked them . "Do you really think we miss you performing ?" Kurt asked . "Oh you guys . " I said and hugged them all. "Well we just wanted to say good luck and we hope you guys win so we can beat you at Nationals. " Mercedes said. "Oh you guys won ! Thats awesome . " I said. "We have Finn to thank speaking of which where is he?" Asked Tina . "Oh there he is!" Quinn said . "Finn over here !" Artie said and he came walking towards us. "Hey guys we better go get our seats. " He told them . He then looked at me and said , "Hi Rachel, you um look beautiful. " He told me. I smiled slightly and said, "Thanks , by the way congratulations on your win." I said. "Thank you . I um I wanted to say .... " but I interrupted him , "Actually I wanted to say something to you. I know that you think I'm being selfish because I left McKinley and I feel like every time I talk to you theres this guilt and its eating me up inside and I can't live like that. " I told him. "Rachel , it time . " Jessie said. "I'll be there in a sec. " I told him. "Rachel I.... " "No Finn , I'm done listening to you its time you listen to me so listen closely. " I said and the went on stage and the music started :
( Rachel )
What have I done?
I wish I could run,
Away from this ship going under
Just trying to help
Hurt everyone else
Now I feel the weight of the world is on my shoulders

What can you do when your good isn't good enough
And all that you touch tumbles down?
Cause my best intentions
Keep making a mess of things,
I just wanna fix it somehow
But how many times will it take?
Oh, how many times will it take for me to get it right, to get it right?

Can I start again, with my faith shaken?
Cause I can't go back and undo this
I just have to stay and face my mistakes,
But if I get stronger and wiser, I'll get through this

What can you do when your good isn't good enough?
And all that you touch tumbles down?
Cause my best intentions keep making a mess of things,
I just wanna fix it somehow
But how many times will it take?
Oh, how many times will it take for me to get it right?
(Rachel looks at Finn out in the crowd )
So I throw up my fist, throw a punch in the air,
And accept the truth that sometimes life isn't fair!
Yeah, I'll send out a wish, yeah, I'll send up a prayer
And finally someone will see how much I care

What can you do when your good isn't good enough?
And all that you touch tumbles down?
Cause my best intentions keep making a mess of things,
I just wanna fix it somehow
But how many times will it take?
Oh, how many times will it take, to get it right?
To get it right?
(End of song )
Everyone clapped for me giving me a standing ovation .
( 3 hours later )
The competition was done and we won which meant we be going to Nationals. I smiled as I saw all my friends rush over to me , "Congratulations! " Quinn said. "Thanks !" I said giving her a hug . Just as I was about to say something somebody came up to me and said , "You did it ! " I smiled as I saw Jessie. He looked at everyone and then Quinn said , "Who's this Rachel?" She asked me. "Oh um guys this is my friend and team mate Jessie St.James . Jessie this is Quinn Fabray, Kurt Hummel, Tina Co-Chang , Mercedes Jones , Artie Abrams, and Finn Hudson. " I said as Finn starred at him. "Well its nice to meet all of you Rachel has such an amazing voice we feel very greatful to have her . " Jessie said . "Oh Jessie thats sweet. " I said. "Its all true Rachel is a gem. In fact that is why were all having a party at Breadsticks in her honor care to join us?" He asked them. "Oh Jessie I don't.... " I was interrupted by Finn , "We love to meet all of Rachels new friends . What time is it ?" Finn asked . "Well we're heading there at 6 o'clock sharp. " Jessie said . "We'll be there ." He said . "Great Rach I'll see you back on the bus. " He said and then left . I looked at my friends and said , "I should probably go. " I told them . "I'll see you at Breadsticks though. " I said and left .

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