Peer Presure

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A couple days after going to the pool Chabashira had given out a little test but never seemed to give back the results. Most of the class didn't seem to mind but Horikita and a handful of other students seemed to let it sit on their mind. That didn't last for long though because during class Chabashira had put up a poster full of the class scores

"Listen up class!" Chabashira had started to talk, but because I'm to lazy to write what she said ill sum it up in Kiyo's head 'So basically our entire class is filled with defects and were the worst class out of all the others. We also have a big test coming up where if we don't meet a certain grade level we will get kicked out? This is just my luck' Kiyo didn't like this whatsoever 

It seemed like the class also didn't like it. The scores were pretty bad but Kiyo was happy he decided to get a decent score on this test because he didn't want the class thinking he wasn't reliable when it came to grades so he decided to get a 75%, which scored him a nice 6th place

"Hey, Ayanokouji-kun" Horikita walked over to Kiyo as class ended "Y-yes Horikita-san?" Kiyo was startled a bit at the interaction "Could you accompany me to the cafeteria?" Horikta asked "Oh, Ugh sure w-why not?" 

Kiyo reluctantly agreed even though he didn't go into the cafeteria often "But if I may ask, what for?" Kiyo wanted to know the reason to this meeting they were having "No, you may not" Horikita responded coldly "O-okay" Kiyo just accepted it

After getting themselves situated at a table Horikita offered to buy Kiyo some food. At first he disagreed but eventually he fell to the pressure and accepted the offer "S-so what did you want to talk about?" Kiyo was weary of Horikita

"Oh nothing much" Horikita responded a bit to innocently, and as soon as Kiyo took a bite of his food "Ayanokouji-kun, I would like to request your help" "Huh?" "I said I would like to request your help" "B-but why me?" "To be frank I don't really like anybody in the class and your the most tolerable one there, plus you owe me now"

"What do you mean I owe yo-" Kiyo had realized the blunder he had made "That wasn't very nice" Kiyo was displeased "Well now you owe me so are you gonna help me or not?" Horikita seemed a little demanding "S-sure, what do you need" "Nothing much, just a little help every now and then with tasks" "... So you want me to be an errand boy?" "Not really but I guess so" Horikita replied

"I-i'm fine with that as long as it doesn't require anything to do with crowds" Kiyo answered "...." Horikita did not reply "I-it won't have anything to do with crowds right?" "..." "Right?" "Who knows" Horikita replied and she left it at that 

"I look forward to working with you" Horikita said as she left the cafeteria 'I don't know how to feel about this but at least I can try to improve how I work with others' Or that's what he wanted to think but deep down it was more of 'I really really really really hope she doesn't call on me to much, I think I would die from all the talking' 

After a nights rest and one more class down "Hello, everyone may I please have your attention" Hirata one of the people that scored above Kiyo on the test, seemed to want to say something "I would like to propose the idea of study groups" Hirata said with everyone's attention

"I know that most of you guys don't want to get kicked out of school but.... the test grades shown earlier weren't the best. So I think it would be beneficial for us to create study groups, and if the top scores were to help with this Idea it would be very appreciated" After giving a speech to the classroom Hirata called out to the top scorers on the test

After talking to them for a bit he convinced all of the top scorers, excluding a student named Koenji, to participate in the study groups 'I'm surprised Horikita agreed to this, I thought she disliked crowds as much as I did' Kiyo had a better vision of Horikita, but that only lasted a little while as when she finished discussing with Hirata he saw Hirata smile at him while walking towards him

"Wow Ayanokouji-kun, It's real nice of you to help Horikita with the tutoring" "Im what?" Kiyo questioned before Horikita came and cut him off "Yeah I'm surprised he agreed to help too, now if you don't mind Hirata-kun I would like to discuss something with Ayanokouji-kun" "No problem, thanks again" Hirata said his goodbye

"Um Horikita-san?" "Yes Ayanokouji-kun? "What was he talking about when he said I was helping you with tutoring?" "Oh, that's simple. Your simply just going to help me with my study group, aren't you?" Horikita answered his question 'What did I get myself into? I shouldn't have caved in so easily' Kiyo was having second thoughts about what he agreed to

"Fine, I guess it can't be helped. Just, don't expect me to help that much" Kiyo replied "Im perfectly fine with that" Horikita said as she got up and started walking away "Oh yeah, before I forget, here take this" Horikita handed Kiyo a note "A-and this is?" "It has my number written on it, use it when we have to talk about the study group" "Oh, alright" With that Horikita left the classroom and they both continued on with their day

Back at Kiyo's dorm he started thinking to himself 'Does this mean I've made a friend? I guess Ill figure it out eventually' Kiyo ended that strand of thought there as he fell asleep

(Another part to the collection Yipee :) )

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⏰ Last updated: May 15 ⏰

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