School is Different Than Expected

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After waking up Kiyo looked around just to make sure everything wasn't just a dream and to his relief it wasn't or not to his relief? He hasn't figured that part out yet, being around so many people he's not quite sure he could handle it but it looks like he'll figure that out today

'Ah, I don't like this' Walking through the school with so many people Kiyo didn't seem to like it so he hurried to class instead, but that only seemed to make him arrive there way to early for the class so all he could do is sit there in silence

As the classroom filled up slowly but surely Kiyo had only sat in his seat and not moved from it but things became even worse when class started as everyone was doing their own thing which created an awkward air in the class 'Maybe I should have done better on the entrance exam' Kiyo was regretting his actions

On the entrance exams Kiyo got straight 50s for the sole purpose that he wanted people to see him as just a normal kid. Score to high and people are jealous of you but score to low and people think your dumb so the only option for Kiyo was to stay in the middle

Although his seatmate seemed to actually pay attention to the class the other students didn't seem to care 'Class is to stressful' Kiyo thought to himself as he could do nothing but watch as classes went on keeping to himself until the classes were over

'Okay today is only the second day of school so there's still time to make friends before it's to late right?' but before he could even finish thinking everybody either already made groups or headed off to lunch so there was nothing that could be done for our poor Kiyo

Kiyo headed towards the cafeteria to get his food and when he went to sit down 'There's to many people here' Kiyo couldn't find anywhere to sit that wasn't awkwardly close to another group of people 'Good thing I have a place to go just for this occasion' Kiyo had thought ahead

'This is the perfect place, nobody comes here and the people that do keep to themselves' Kiyo was proud with his quick thinking, what place did Kiyo go to? None other than the library the perfect place for someone with anxiety

Kiyo thought of the library as his safe haven, a place where could just be chill and relax with no one bothering him but "Ugh, So close" He noticed a girl struggling to get a book higher up on the shelf 'Do I help? I'm sure they'll figure it out right?' Kiyo thought long and hard but to his dismay he decided to help her 

"Ugh hey, want help with that?" Kiyo asked the girl "Yes please!" The girl responded quickly so Kiyo pointed at the book she was reaching for to make sure he got the right one and she nodded in response

 Once Kiyo gave her the book he planned to head off with no conversation but the girl had other plans "I thought I was never gonna get tha book. Thank you uhm- " "KIyotaka Ayanokouji" Kiyo quickly replied "Ah thank you Ayanokouji-kun. Since you told me your name I think its only right I tell you mine, Im Shiina Hiyori nice to meet you" Hiyori said flashing a bright smile

Kiyo wasn't sure how to end the conversation but he was happy with himself for keeping up with the conversation "Ah well nice to meet you too" Kiyo replied after realizing he hadn't said anything in return to Hiyori's introduction

Thankfully Hiyori had got a glimpse of Kiyo's food so she ended the conversation there giving him a little bow and went off somewhere in the library to read her book 'I can't believe I was able to have a conversation with someone' Kiyo was happy with himself, even if the conversation was only a couple sentences long

Having lunch in the library may have seemed lonely to everybody else but to Kiyo that was the most relaxed he's been since he got to the school. After his lunch he went back to his daily activities and day after day he spent most of his time in the library but it wasn't lonely as sometimes Hiyori would have small talk with him every now and then

One day in the library Kiyo and Hiyori were talking "Hey Shiina-san" Kiyo said wanting to ask an important question "Yeah?" Hiyori replied "A-are we friends?" Kiyo asked what seemed to be an obvious question to Hiyori "What? Of course we are! unless you don't think we are" Hiyori replied with a sad tone for the final part

"Ah, no that's not what I meant! It's just I wanted to confirm it" Kiyo replied quickly so Hiyori didn't get even more worried "Oh, alright. Ayanokouji-kun thanks for being my friend" Hiyori said nicely "There's no need to thank me for that, I should be the one thanking you" Kiyo replied

After having a new found friend and chatting for a while Kiyo headed back to the dorm to sleep. When Kiyo woke up the next day he arrived early like always to avoid all the crowds but for some reason instead of the usual people who show up first like his seatmate the first ones to show up were the class pervs

"Ah I can't wait for today!" "I know right!" Ike and Yamauichi were having a conversation and were really happy and Kiyo still hadn't known why. When his seatmate arrived Kiyo had planned to ask her but 'I still don't know her name' Kiyo never got her name and didn't bother because he felt as if he would die if she even caught him looking

"Uh can you tell me why they seem so happy?" Kiyo asked his seatmate but no reply "Uh- hello?" Kiyo tried again "Oh you were talking to me" She seemed to finally notice "Yeah, im sorry but I never did get your name" Kiyo replied, She looked at him up and down and she seemed to decide to tell him her name

"My name is Horikita suzune, and as for why those two are happy I'd probably guess it's because we have swimming classes today" Horikita said and Kiyo froze for a bit and then snapped back to reply "Oh uhm thank you Horikita-san" Kiyo replied but in his head

'Swimming classes? Does that mean I have to be in a swimsuit? Even worse I would have to change in the locker room' Kiyo felt as if he was going to hate this

(Yo Im sorry for going on a hiatus right after I posted chapter one but here you go, I should be posting new chapters every now and then)

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