Chapter 58 - The Future

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Third Person POV

The first three months was brutal for both Blanca and Aurora. Their morning sickness was so aligned that they had to take online classes because of how weak they became. But overall, their baby is growing healthily.

On the fourth month, Blanca finally could take care of her work and study. But for Aurora, things took a turn for her as she began to show signs of conplications where she had too much amniotic fluids. Upon ultrasound, Aurora is actually carrying twins. Doctor and nurses are assigned to be with her for 24/7 to make sure she's not having a hard time.

On the fifth month, Blanca had to attend important meetings while balancing her study schedule. But as for Aurora, she had to stayed indoor as the complication with her pregnancy is getting worse. By now Diana had to call several expert to make sure Aurora is being taken care off. It doesn't help much when both couple had uncontrollable craving of food.

On the seventh month, Bianca was worried for Aurora's state as she has been spending most of her time in bed, fearing she might hurt the twins in her belly. The couple spent their alone time together while thinking of a name to give for their unborn child. They decided not to know the gender.

On the ninth month, Aurora felt better and she couldn't wait for the twins to be born. She even decided to take a crash course so she could graduate early. Bianca has had a smooth pregnancy throughout the month while keeping her work and study balance.

One day, since Aurora woke up, she has been feeling uneasy. She seized to informed the nurses that was taking care of her and one thing lead to another, they are on their way to the hospital. Diana was worried for her daugther since Bianca is also in full term. But seeing how energetic she is, she thought that her daugther might not be ready to have the baby yet.

It's been several days since Aurora was admitted. She is being watched carefully by a team of experts while Bianca continue to do her work while being on her partner side all step of the way.

"It would be funny if you would suddenly having contraction before I do." Bianca waved her hands off as she looks at her phone.

"Oh honey, I've been feeling rather comfortable these past few days. But of course I suffered at night because of how active this bundle of joy is. I couldn't event sleep properly because of it." Aurora smiled before she took Bianca's hand.

"Bianca- I'm worried. I know I shouldn't but I can't help it. If something were to happened to me, plewse take care of my children in my stead. I know you hated it when I say things like this but I just want to make sure-" Bianca stopped Aurora from countinuing.

"You have to stop talking about that. Nothing is going to happen to you. You'll be okay and we will take care of the children together. Remember your promise- you said you will be there for me till we are old and cripple." Aurora chuckled.

"Well, I did promise you-" Aurora suddenly flinch from the sudden pain. Bianca notice this and immediately called for the nurses to see if it's time.

A few days later,

"It's scary how this child resemble my daugther. That's exactly how Svetlana look like when I found her. I still remember how tiny she is and how easy it would be for me to break her." Yulia said as she looks at Kira Vladimir, Bianca's daugther. Diana sighed before she warn Yulia to mind her words.

"You're not going to break my granddaughter, right?" Diana asked just to make sure.

"Of course not. She's my granddaughter too. Anyway, how is Aurora?" Diana smiled.

"Why don't you go and visit her?" Yulia hummed before she went to the next room. When she entered, Damian IV was seen carrying a baby in his arms while Aurora is breastfeeding another.

"I never imagine you would be cradling a child, Damian." Damian smiled before he place a finger on his lips.

"I've been trying to keeping this kid calm while her mother taking care of the other one. Hey, you're a woman. Do something about this." Yulia chuckled as she continue to tease Damian IV.

"Yulia, I need help!" Yulia giggled before she took the baby from Damian's arms.

"Oh- what a feisty boy he is. Even the twins has Svetlana's features. So you had twin boys, Aurora?" Aurora smiled.

"Yea. Were you in Bianca's room? How is she? I was in labor when Bianca had a contraction." Yulia smiled.

"She's fine. She gave birth to a baby girl. And she looks exactly like Svetlana when she was little. Anyway, what's this fella name?" Yulia asked as she cradle the baby.

"That's Alexei. This is Nikolai. It was the name Svetlana choose when we were-" Yulia froze when she saw Aurora suddenly crying in front of her.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I've been doing this without noticing it. I've consulted the doctor about it but they said it's normal when I talk about-" Yulia took a seat next to Aurora before hugging her side.

"It's alright. Sometimes crying is the best way to ease the mind. If you ever need some help, don't be shy to reach out to me. I am, after all your mother as well, Aurora. Even though that rascal daugther of mine didn't get to make it official, but you gave birth to her descendent. Both you and Bianca did an amazing job to continue her bloodline." Yulia pulled away from hugging Aurora.

"After all one of your twins would likely to be the heir of Volin. Ah, no pressure of course. If they don't want to, I can always find other abandoned child and shape them into one." Aurora smile while shaking her head.

"That solely depends on the boys. Once they old enough, they will choose which path to follow. All we can do is help them grew and teach them how to live a purposed life."

Aurora reached out for Alexei.

"You're going to breastfeed both of them together?" Aurora nodded before Yulia helped her get into comfortable position.

"I couldn't possibly asked Damian to do so, right? He left moments ago." Yulia hummed as she watched Aurora lean back

"I wish Lana could see her child. She was devastated when I lost our first child. And I'm sure she would be the happiest when they were born." Yulia smiled.

"You've been through hell of pain to make sure the twins are here. Diana told me about your conditon every week. I apologise for not be able to be here for you. I just had to make sure my grandkids has a bright future without any worry." Aurora hummed.

"What happened?" Yulia smiled.

"Nothing much. I just want the children to know that their babushkas will never let anything happen to them." Aurora had a feeling that both Diana and Yulia did something without telling her or Bianca.

"Say, perhaps I should move here and be close to my grandchildren. Hmm, I should start by house hunting. I need a vast place so my grandkids can play around."

Aurora smiled.

"Will that be alright? Things will be difficult for you if things went ugly in Russia without you to mediate." Yulia hummed.

"Well of things went south, I can just kill everyone." Yulia laughed. Aurora knows for sure that the woman is speaking the truth.

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