Blowout In The Mall

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I was in those diapers for a full week before the 11th one started leaking into the diaper cover. The first week of my punishment essentially consisted of me drinking laxative filled bottles, pooping in my diapers, and getting mocked as I fell over while trying to crawl. I spent a majority of the hours of the days locked inside the crib as my mom worked and went out to run errands. 

However, by the second week, my mom decided to take my punishment to the next level - public humiliation. She started out that morning the same as every morning of the previous week by unlocking me out of the crib. However, instead of giving me a laxative filled milk bottle, she took me immediately to the changing table and put on a fresh thick diaper. She than handed me a pair of my normal clothes from before this awful punishment, which consisted of a black cropped tank top and a pair or light blue leggings. She helped me put them on, and informed that today I would be allowed to walk but only when I was informed to.

She then grabbed my hand and walked me outside to the car. She informed me that today we were going to run errands. She had purchased a special car seat that was meant for disabled teens. She strapped me into it and then handed me a bottle. "This better be gone by the time we get where we're going." 

While I drank the bottle, I became filled with a great anxiety. My leggings were not only tight but a light colored, so it would be obvious to everyone that I was wearing a diaper. We weren't even in public yet, and I was already humiliated. The anxiety grew worse as I discovered where we were going - the mall.

My mom parked and came and unblocked me out of the car seat. She grabbed my hand as we began to head into the mall. My mom walked us into clothing store after clothing store just to allow the public to mock and laugh at my incredibly noticeable diaper. One mom even asked my mom if I had a disability, and my mom responded back saying that I was never able to potty train as a kid. She told the lady that she tried potty training me at numerous ages, but every time I just found it to difficult to achieve.

The embarrassment became even worse when the laxatives from the bottle in the car kicked in. At that point we were in a clothing store filled with girls around my age. I had already been holding it in for around 20 minutes, and eventually my body couldn't take it any more. I let out a giant fart before my diaper began to expand in size from it being filled with poop. A group of girls standing behind me began to laugh, and one of the girls even took a picture of it. It was the most humiliating experience of my life.

I was so mortified and humiliated by the experience that I distinctly remember tears filling in my eyes. I also remember that while everyone was laughing and making fun of me, my mother was joining in with them. Watching me suffer brought out the greatest joy in her.

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⏰ Última atualização: May 20 ⏰

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