Bed Time

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After my mother was done laughing at my failed attempts at crawling she demanded me to come sit on her lap in a rocking chair she had placed in the corner of my room. She took out the bottle she had made downstairs. The bottle wasn't a normal sized baby bottle, but instead an extra large bottle made for adults. She told me she made the milk with baby formula, since I was non her baby, but I think it was really because she wanted to see my suffer through the horrible taste of the formula. My mother shoved the bottle in my mouth and didn't take it out until it was completely empty.

Once I was finished the bottle she told me it was time for me to go to bed. It was still early, somewhere between 3 and 4 pm, but I wasn't going to argue with her because I didn't want to risk getting another punishment. She helped me into the crib and then went back into my closet and brought out a gagged pacifier. She fastened it on overtop of my bonnet. 

My mother had installed a wooden polled cage lid that locked to the top of the closet, so it felt more like a cage. After she had closed the lid and locked it, there was no way for me to get out of the crib. After my mother had left, I had a hard time falling asleep because so much had happened in the past hour. I laid in what was now considered my new bed for roughly an hour and a half before I started to feel a sharp pain in my stomach.

I couldn't tell what the pain was at first, but I quickly realized it was the urge to poop. I tried to fight it for as long as I could as I realized my mother wouldn't even be back to check on me until the next morning meaning I would have to lay in the spoiled diaper for hours. I was focused on attempting to hold it all in until eventually my body gave out.

The poop started with a loud fart which triggered mounds of poop to fill into my diaper. It didn't stop and my body kept going and going and going. The brown, mushy substance filled my diaper to the point in which tears began to fill my eyes. I couldn't stand the feeling. I tried to move my body to a position that would allow me to lay comfortably, but every time I moved more poop filled into the diaper. Eventually the watering in my eyes turned into real tears streaming down my face. I couldn't believe this way my life now. I barely survived the past few hours, so how was I supposed to survive a full summer?

True Story of My Diaper PunishmentWhere stories live. Discover now