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"Chivalry really is dead and buried in this day and age, huh?"



The bell chimed blissfully as Y/N & Marian entered the candle-lit restaurant. The place wasn't as packed as usual, on account of the dinner rush ending minutes ago.

'Perfect' Y/N thought to himself as he eyed a booth in the corner. A nice, isolated place would suit them well, more so since it kept Marian away from the rest of the patrons. He didn't expect anything serious to go down, but he didn't want to risk it.

"Table for two?" A young lady approached the duo with a pair of menus in hand.

"Yes please," Y/N replied as the waitress handed the menus over.

"Feel free to take a seat~" She chimed, albeit slightly forced. Whether it was the fact she was tired, or that she wasn't keen on Nikke wasn't known. But Y/N didn't want to press the issue, so he escorted Marian to the booth from before and took his seat. Looking around the restaurant, he saw a few sets of eyes gazing at them. Most were simply curiosity, others were suspicion. As long as he kept his head down an—

"Commander?" Marian tilted her head slightly. "Is something the matter?"

"Ah..." Y/N turned his head back. "Nothing at all, Marian. Just got distracted."

"A Commander can't give in to distractions. Even the tiniest one could prove fatal." A cheery smile formed on her soft face. "You leave them to me while you focus on your job."

"Understood..." The slightest of hesitation escaped Y/N's mouth. Marian was... devoted to her duty. In most other jobs, it would be an admirable trait, but as a Nikke? It was one of the most thankless tasks in the world. Not only are you robbed of your original body, not only are you sent out to die almost every day, but the Ark and its residents look at you with scorn and suspicion. To maintain such diligence when faced with an uncaring and prejudiced system was beyond admirable.

But that was a topic for another time... Y/N was ravenous by this point.

"Ok, I'll go for the steak-flavored Splendamin." He said quietly, eyes looking up at Marian. "Did you want anything?"

"I'm happy with the fish & chips flavored Splendamin," Marian answered with a polite smile. Y/N gave her a quick nod as she handed her menu, before getting up to make the order. Now on her own, Marian took the time to quietly survey the restaurant.

𝘼𝙋𝙀𝙓 𝙋𝙍𝙀𝘿𝘼𝙏𝙊𝙍 | 𝗡𝗜𝗞𝗞𝗘Where stories live. Discover now