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Chapter Twenty Four
Eric's POV

Blake took the news about Rosie and I's kiss all too well. He barely bat an eye after I told him the disturbing news of Faith's death and my special moment with Rosie. Being that Blake had found his inner demons and is embracing them, he is removing his feelings from all things. This will do him greatly in the long run.

Although I believe Blake to be no match for me, I still didn't want to have to fight him till the death over our sweet Rosie Mae. He didn't tell me not to do it again, not to pursue Rosie. But he also didn't tell me that it would be okay to kiss her again. My brother gave me no hint as to how he truly felt.

I can only assume he's willing to share.

Faith's death had brought the town to its knees in tears. Every senior in her class has been reeling on social media, all suddenly being better friends with her than the other. Let's be one liked Faith all that much.

You couldn't open your phone up without seeing her young face plastered everywhere. Even regular television news had her disappearance playing on repeat. Her family begs for her safe return, more than likely having sleepless nights and troubling days. It's officially suspected that all of the missing persons reported are linked, all committed by the same person. They're onto something. Too bad the case will go cold.

The news stories are appraising. All six of us enjoy keeping it on as background noise, a constant reminder of how we have the entire town under our thumb. We walk past them every day, say All the while none of them having the slightest of doubt that we aren't the executioners.

"She's beyond drunk." Cory chuckles, coming to stand next to me as I lean back against the wall in his house.

After the disposal of Preston, Henry, and Faith and the first round of cash being handed to the group personally from Kales hands...we have to celebrate.

I can't help but to stand here admiring the sight before me, all the grand work I've done. 

Nathan and Willy challenge each other in a game of beer pong at the dining room table, both hollering out loud cheers when one of them makes it. Blake's across the room, selling some weed and psychedelics to other the other partygoers, already have taken some himself and is as light as a feather. Rosie makes her way around the party with a big ass bottle of vodka in her hand, offering drinks as if she's some kind of shot girl. She has had way too many tonight.

How can I not admire all of the beautiful people I've turned into killers?

"This is nothing new." I reply with a grin, taking a long gulp of the alcohol, it burning my chest as it goes down.

"Crisis has been adverted for now." Blake says, approaching Cory and I. He hands me a blunt which I happily let dangle between my lips as I shuffle around in my pocket in search of my lighter.

"Which crisis would that be?" Cory asks with a laugh but I don't find it too amusing as I stare at Blake, waiting for him to elaborate.

Blake rolled his eyes. "Rosie believes Ally is sick. Yeah, he killed Rosie's sister if you didn't already know." He informs Cory who bursts out laughing as if it's the funniest shit he's ever heard.

"Either shut the fuck up or go on somewhere." I order, just wanting to hear what Blake has to say.

"I bought us enough time to get us a little past Christmas but then we're going to have to come up with something better." Blake tells me. "She's not going to buy the excuses for too long, her and her sister are way to close for her to not be in contact all the time."

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