Preview: Bewitched

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When Moriya Bennett met Charlie Swan, it was the shining moment for both of them. One of the happiest moment of their lives. It was as if without each other, they'd be doomed to be lonely and sad for the rest of their days. They met in the grocery store. Which was odd for Charlie since he rarely went there. He had no need to. He didn't know how to cook. Absolutely helpless. Moriya noticed that right away as she peered into his basket to see soda pop, frozen vegetables, and steak. "Preparing for a boy's weekend?" she asked him as they were in line. The woman in front of them forgot something and the people of Forks were quite neighborly so they waited.

"Nope, just me. What about you? Planning on feeding the whole town?" he asked of her filled basket of meats, fresh vegetables and fruits, and grains. It was quite balanced compared to his.

"Not the whole town. I move a lot. And I just moved here. To the Crawford's backhouse. I'm Moriya," she said, holding out her hand.

"Charlie, Swan. Sheriff Charlie Swan," he choked out as he took her hand. He shook it quickly and though their eyes met and he found himself in a trance, he shook his head and cleared it quite quickly.

That was just the start. And it was certainly a slow one. Moriya was independently wealthy and would never need to work again if she didn't want to. But she wanted Charlie. And the only place he went besides work was to the diner. So Moriya got a job three nights a week working there. Just to see him. It took him over a year just to ask her out. There were a lot of reasons for why. Moriya was now twenty to Charlie's thirty five. He considered her too beautiful for him to date but everyone had commented on how she only had eyes for him.

The first date led to another. Then another. Charlie proposed after only six months of dating. He knew he'd met the love of his life. Moriya moved in and instead of five days a week at the diner, they moved to one day a week. Still Charlie came home every night to a home cooked meal. He once asked her what she did, how she made her money. She explained that she was just good with investments. But it was more than that.

Moriya Bennett was born a Bennett witch in a world where that mattered. She was born to a teenage mother who gave her away. When she was five, she began disappearing. The foster home classified her as a runner but it wasn't just that she was running. She was being transported. Or transporting herself into different dimensions. Some were very similar to the one she came from. Others were very different. The creatures around, the magics that she had access to. But she was a witch no matter where she went. It was helpful that not only was she a traveler, but she was also a type of psychic called an Omniscient. She just knew things. And upon traveling to a new world, she'd learn new things.

She'd been traveling since running from an abusive foster home when she was fourteen. She'd lived in many places. Moriya arrived in Charlie's world just shy of her eighteenth birthday. Her gift told her there would be two places she'd want to live. A place called Volturi, Italy, though it would be quite dangerous, and a small town called Forks, Washington. The small town called to her. She'd always wanted to live in a place where things at least seemed normal. Forks did that for her.

Moriya got pregnant before they even got married. This caused them to rush the wedding a little. Charlie called his ex wife, Renee so he could have his daughter there but the girl had stopped visiting or talking to her father five years previously. So Charlie just left a message and enjoyed his wedding day. Their first daughter, Clair Swan, was born eight months after the wedding. Charlotte, already nicknamed Charli before her birth, followed less than a year after that. Then the year after that they had Cristalin, nicknamed Cris. Now, not even another year later, Moriya was pregnant again. But that wouldn't be the only change coming to Charlie. Nor the town of Forks. 

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