World Within a World

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Morrigan lived her life one plot point at a time. It was quite boring for the majority of her twenty one years. Especially when you eliminated yourself from the plot. Morrigan Bennett had been raised by Sheila Bennett. But she wasn't born to her. In fact, Morrigan was born to Sheila's son and Abigail's twin brother, Anthony. He'd passed away fighting in wars. He turned away from witchcraft and everything to do with his mother's family. Yet that didn't keep him from meeting a Nigerian-Irish witch and impregnating her. Sheila believed that Dana purposefully sought out her son to create a magically strong child. Karma came for Dana when she wasn't able to raise the child and died soon after her birth. Anthony left Morrigan with his mother and continued to do so until his death.

Morrigan didn't develop all of her knowledge for her world at once. It came in pieces starting from when she was very young. By the time she was fourteen, she'd graduated from Columbia University. Sheila moved to New York to get away from Mystic Falls and after she got an offer to work at Columbia. Abigail had just gotten married and moved back home. Sheila didn't care for Rudy but knew she had to focus on Morrigan anyway.

Morrigan had a happy life. She didn't think it could get any better. When she turned fifteen, she knew that things were coming to her hometown but she couldn't bring herself to care. She'd just begun her master's program and even dating a guy, even though she knew it wouldn't last. She didn't just have the memories of one timeline or plot in her head. SHe had many. As if she'd live a thousand lives at once. The hard part was discerning which world this would be. She didn't want to do random research. SHe wanted to be surprised.

And eventually, she was. It happened when Morrigan decided to switch schools for her second mastery. She was on her way to her Yale admissions interview. Then she ended up in a different hall. A hall full of students her age. They all looked confused but when they were told they were going to be tested, Morrigan suddenly had a flood of memories. She couldn't wait to go home and write them down in her secret journal.

Morrigan figured out she was some type of dimensional traveler. She also figured she was either stuck in a loop or everyone was and she was just more aware. Some of the worlds came from different places including television worlds, book worlds, etc. Some of the worlds she'd named Dual Worlds. Meaning they might have carried people known in different television or books. This was a Dual World. A world where there weren't just witches, vampires, and werewolves. There were also Magicians along with everything they came with. 

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