Preview: Broken Promises

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The Mikaelsons had just been awakened from their sleep. They were awoken by the Salvatores as punishment against Klaus. All except for one coffin that was unable to be opened. Kol walked into the Mikaelson mansion and ran into his brother. "Where is Mo?" Kol asked his elder brother, Elijah.

"Sleeping and safe." Elijah said. Kol scoffed.

"Safe from who? Father is dead. We need to wake her. Unless...this isn't about her. Unless you're hiding from her," Kol said and Elijah stared at him with no expression.

"My wife is none of your business."

"She is my sister. Just as much as Rebekah is. You made her that!" Kol stalked towards them and Finn and Klaus stood between them, "You repay her constant devotion by letting her rot. So much for the romantic." He pushed Klaus away and disappeared.

Kol actually went and knocked on the door of the enemy. Bonnie answered and was absolutely confused. "Ahh, Miss Bennett, lovely to see you. I need your help. Off we go." He turned around to walk away.

"Who are you again?" she asked and he turned back around.

"Kol Mikaelson. I need the help of a witch. But not just any witch."

"I don't owe you anything."

"You are correct. But I am begging you, Miss Bennett. I need your help. She deserves to live. To be awake. More than any of us."

"What do you want?" Kol gestured out of the door and Bonnie followed reluctantly.

"I need you to wake her." he said when they arrived a the basement of the Mikaelson mansion. He opened a coffin to show a perfectly preserved creamy honey colored woman in very old fashioned clothing.

"Who is she?" Bonnie asked.

"Your ancestor. A many greats Aunt. Also Elijah's wife."

"What's wrong with her?"

"She's under a spell."

"What will you give me if I wake her?"

"Anything." She looked at him in disbelief.


"I'd do anything for Mo."

"That's her name?"

"Amour. Mo is just for me. So will you do it?"

Bonnie completed the spell and Amour took a deep breath. She looked around quickly then at Kol. "Kol-y cat?" she asked and Bonnie snickered as they embraced then Kol helped her out of the casket.

"Mo! Come on, we'll get you some blood and new clothes."

"How many years have passed?" she asked. She looked confused at the clothes.

"Centuries, sister," Kol said with a soft face.

"I don't have any clothes that will fit you," Bonnie said. She had to look up at the Amazonian-like woman.

"Who are you?" Mo asked her.

"Bonnie Bennett."

"Bennett, is that our line now?" Bonnie nodded, "Tell me what has changed."

Kol and Bonnie took Amour to Bonnie's place in secret. Kol explained everything to her and Amour cried. She grieved the time away. It took her over a week to settle into the time. To gather clothes and a working knowledge. It was then that she appeared to her husband.

"Amour? What are you?" he asked confused.

"Why am I awake? Is that going to be your first words to me after four hundred years?" she asked him. He walked closer to her.

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