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Rudran’s operation was successful. He was still in the hospital under the doctor’s observation. Due to the severe heart attack and the lack of blood flow to his brain at the time, he was paralyzed on his left side. His ability to talk was in question. He was getting emotionally unstable every time he comes to consciousness and the doctors have been keeping him in a sedative state. 

“He has to be in the wheelchair, Mr. Veer. The surgery is like restarting his body. Now it is up to his willpower to recover quickly. Getting too emotional especially now that he can't talk is not good for his health. Be with him, take good care of him. Talk to him. Assure him that everything is going to be alright. Once he is recovered from the surgery, we shall start physiotherapy. There is a fair chance that he can start walking and talking with help if he puts his mind to it. There are even advanced surgeries to rejunuevate his brain to clear this paralysis. Impossible for others but within reach for you. Tell him all the good outcomes,” the doctor told Veer who was sitting in front of him. 

Veer was extremely grateful for the effort of the group of doctors who took care of his uncle and gave him back alive. He didn't want anything more right now. All his anger vanished and care took its place. 

“Thank you for giving him back to me, doc.” Veer held the doctors hands. His eyes were ready to shed and the doctor has never seen him this emotional ever.  “I will take care of him from here. When can we discharge him?”

“It’s been a week since his operation, Veer. I would prefer him to stay here for another week for discharge. Fortunately, his right hand is still working. Encourage him to write for communication. That way he might feel better about himself. Self-pity is the worst nightmare, Mr. Veer.”

“I know it more than anyone else, doc. I will make sure he wouldn't fall into that pit. He helped me once and now it is my turn to help him. In a way, I am glad I could repay him back.” Veer said, his eyes clearly showed hurt. Though the doctor didn't understand the full context of what Veer said, he nodded his head. He dared to ask any more personal questions from him. Veer is a tiger and though he is hurt right now and is in a vulnerable state that is no reason to take advantage of him. The outcome might not be in favor of him. With a little nod, Veer took leave from him. He remembered the time when Rudran became his pillar of support. 


Janaki was working in the fruit farm when Veer’s car came into the gates of his mansion. Janaki moved further into the fruit trees to hide away from Veer. She is so afraid of him that she manages to disappear from his sight at all possible times. She pulled out her phone to call her husband to inform him about Veer’s arrival but to her dismay, his phone was not reachable. Fearing for her husband, she washed her hands off the mud and ran into the mansion through the back door to alert him of Veer.

Veer walked into the house towards his elevator where he saw his dad sitting on the dining table. He was eating his lunch. 

“Narendran, where is the special goat liver fry? Bring it. How long do you think I should wait?” Ragunandhan was shouting while eating from his plate filled with meat and bones. He was eating like a beggar who found food after months and months of starvation. 

“I am going to dismiss you all. A bunch of imbeciles.” Ragunandhan said and Veer closed his fist. His eyes turned red and he walked with his firm steps towards the dining hall. Maids around retreated and Ragu was unaware of his surrounding as he was drowning in the delight of food. 

Veer kicked the chair Ragu was sitting on with all his might.

“Amma!” Ragu fell to the floor along with the chair and his crutches flew away in different directions. His eyes showed immediate cowardice as soon as they met Veer. Veer leaned down and looked at him with his terrifying eyes.

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