| Chapter 47: Reconnect; Relax | 5/13/2024 |

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''Mom wants to... reconnect,'' Nathalie admitted.

Ellise's eyes widened, ''What?''

''She said Uncle Silas sent her and dad a letter, too. It prompted her to want to reconnect,'' she said, sounding like she was questioning it herself.

Nathalie was shocked, she would never have expected this from her mother. She wonders what was in the letter that made her mom feel bad enough to reach out.

Ellise took her phone back as Nathalie handed it to her, ''I...'' she paused to think, confused, and surprised at the same time, ''...I can't believe that.'' She said, suspicious if their mother had ulterior motives.

''Me neither and she invited me to go to the family gathering, to talk more about... our relationship, I guess,'' Nathalie sighed.

When Nathalie was a young adult, something changed within the Sancoeur family. The first gathering was hosted almost twenty years ago; it was basically just a broken, dysfunctional family getting together to try and make things work as a last attempt at a happy relationship with each other. Growing up, Grandpa Sancoeur, whom the grandchildren call 'Papi,' wasn't exactly the father of the year. However, he only realized that when his children were fully grown, and he became desperate to reconnect. That's how the annual Sancoeur family gatherings started. Nathalie had attended a few before she cut off her relatives after her parents kicked her out. She wasn't really close with anyone on her dad's side.

''Really? Do you want to go?'' Ellise asked.

Nathalie shook her head, ''I don't know.''

''You don't have to... I mean, I usually go but its really just dad's siblings yelling at each other,'' she awkwardly chuckled, trying to lighten the mood.

''I'm going to need some time to think,'' she sighed, looking around.

This whole day had already been so eventful, and it was only late in the afternoon.

When she was younger, she wanted so badly to have a good relationship with her parents, and to be honest, she still kind of does want to try and make things work. However, she was unsure if her mother had actually changed, and wanted to become better, or if she's the same person she was before. If she hasn't changed, they would never be able to work things out. Nathalie can't imagine trying to reconnect with her mother while she still has the same mentality as she did when Nathalie was in the hospital, which was the last time she saw her.

''I feel lightheaded,'' Nathalie sighed, looking at the food court they were next to.

Ellise tilted her head, putting her hand on her sister's shoulder, ''Sit down here for a moment." She pointed at the bench they were by.

Nathalie sat down, looking at the floor.

''Do you need a drink...? What about a refreshing smoothie?'' she offered, softly smiling.

Nathalie nodded, taking out her wallet, ''I'll take anything raspberry flavored.''

''Oh no, I'll pay, it's fine. You just wait here and rest up, okay?'' Ellise patted her sister's shoulder before disappearing into the crowd of people in the food court. She herself was caught up in her mind about why her mother reached out to her sister.

Nathalie sat alone, thinking about the next day after Lucio had cheated on her:

She stepped out of her house and into the cold, it was foggy and chilly.

She quickly took off her glasses, cleaning them with the end of her shirt. She placed the pair of eyewear back on her face, taking a deep breath.

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