Chapter 5

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The weekend came quicker than I wanted it to. Today we are all meeting Bella, except Nathan and Ethan,  officially because Esme told us we had to. I told her that Nathan is going to be an exception because of how sensitive he is to human blood and Ethan will be with him just in case he accidently gets a whiff of it. Edward tried to argue with me on it, but I quickly reminded him who the parents were to Nathan and Ethan. 


Rosalie and Emmett were out hunting while the rest of us were talking about Bella coming over to meet the family and what to cook her. 

"We can cook her Italian," Esme said. Alice agreed while a few of us stayed quiet. I finally decided to speak up after a few minutes. 

"Esme, I love you dearly like a mother and I will meet Bella for you but I will not force Nathan to meet her. I'm going to leave that decision up to him." The ones that were present agreed with me except for Edward. At that moment, Rosalie and Emmett walked through the door. 

"Thanks mom," Nathan said with relief. Esme filled Rosalie and Emmett on what was going on and they agreed with me also. 

"I'll do anything for you and Ethan. You know that. Just let me know by tomorrow if you want to meet her or not."

"Okay." We continued talking on the what we were going to do and Rosalie didn't like anything. I was with her on it, but it is what it is. I noticed that Edward has been quiet ever since I told Esme that I wasn't forcing Nathan to be present.

"No," Edward says out of the blue. We all look at him. 

"No on what?" I ask. 

"Nathan's gonna meet Bella. It won't be fair that while everyone has to meet Bella, he'll be hiding away."

"Are you serious right now? Do you not remember what happened at the school?" I ask Edward, slowly starting to get angry. 

"Yes I remember what happened, but just give him some blood in a bottle like you do for him at school and he'll be fine." 

"That's not how it works you asshole. When he's around the kids at school, they aren't as tempting. That's why he has good control over that. There's something about Bella that makes him go haywire and he has a hard time controlling it. That's why he tries to stay away from her. So if he doesn't want to meet her this weekend, then I will not force him. Do you not remember that one of his gifts is heightened smell?"

"HE WILL MEET BELLA!" Jasper started to growl, but before he could fully get it out, I have sped over to Edward. I picked up Edward by his neck and slammed him on the ground as hard as I could. His face and neck ended up with cracks. I started to squeeze his neck and you could hear that it was starting to break more. No one dared move to get me off of him.

I was glaring at Edward with rage in my eyes and he was trying to get my hands off his neck. "YOU ARE NOT HIS FATHER! YOU DO NOT DECIDE WHAT HE GETS TO DO! IF HE DOESN'T WANT TO MEET BELLA, THEN HE WILL NOT MEET BELLA! DO I MAKE MYSELF CLEAR?" He does not say anything and just keeps staring at me. I squeezed his neck tighter. "Do.....I.....make......myself clear?"

"Y--- Ye---Yes!" I squeezed one more time and then let go of his neck before standing up and walking back to Jasper. 

"I do what's best for my kids so you better get that through your head real quick and if you ever try to boss my kids around again, I won't be so nice like I was just now. I will rip off your head and burn you into ash." He slowly stood up and didn't say another word. His face and neck slowly started to heal. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14 ⏰

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