Chapter 3

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Today is the day of the field trip that all Juniors go on for Biology. Emmett and Rose are so lucky that they don't have to go damn it. We wait by the buses as Mr. Melina is taking our permission slips. We see Bella standing by her truck and Mike starts to walk up to her. Time to eavesdrop.

"Look at you, huh? You're alive!" Mike says. Bella does a small laugh.

"I know. Yeah. False alarm I guess." When Mike starts talking to her again, her and Edward start staring at each other.

"Yeah, um, now I wanted to ask you if uh....... I know it's like a month away but," he laughs a little. You can tell he is so nervous talking to her. "Do you wanna go to..... go to prom?" He laughs again. He's waiting on a reply from Bella, but doesn't get one because she is still staring at Edward. She is snapped out of the staring when Mike asks her another question. "So what do you think?"

"About what?" I laugh a little. Edward shoots me a look and I just shrug my shoulders.

"Do you wanna go? To prom? With...... me?"

"Oh uh....prom.....dancing......not such a good idea for me. Uh, I have something that weekend anyway. I'm going to Jacksonville that weekend." Nice save Bella. We all know that you don't want to go with Mike.

"You can't go another weekend?" I can't believe he fell for that.

"Non-refundable ticket. You should ask Jessica. I know she wants to go with you." Mike looks over at Jessica and she waves and smiles at him. Before anything else could be said, Mr. Melina is rushing us to the buses.

"Yo yo yo guys! Come on! We gotta go! We gotta go! Green is what? Good! Let's go! Guys come on!" When we start walking to the buses, he directs us to a different bus while Bella and her friends are on the other. Of course, I sit next to Jasper and my sons sit in front of me. Edward sits on the sit next to us while Alice and Luke sit behind us. Once the bus starts moving, I tease Edward about Bella making up the excuse of not wanting to go to prom.

"Maybe she does have to go to Jacksonville," Edward says. I scoff at him.

"Oh please. She was just saying that because she didn't want to go with Mike. Hell, she was too busy staring at you because she didn't hear him the first time when he asked." He doesn't say anything after that. For the rest of the bus ride, we all start bickering with each other back and forth. I sneak in a kiss every once in awhile to Jasper and he doesn't mind at all.

When we get to where we are going, we all pile out of the bus and head to the greenhouse. We are all at the back until Edward sees Bella and then he starts to head toward her. I knew exactly what he is going to do and I'm not going to hear this conversation. He needs to stop giving her hints and trying to push it all on her. She was already leaving us alone so he needs to back off. Jasper must've sensed that I was getting aggravated because I all of sudden feel calm and he was rubbing my back. I look at him and thanked him. Instead of saying anything, he just kissed my on the forehead.

We eventually passed Bella and Edward and made our way back to the buses and waited for the others. Alice and Luke eventually came out, but a few minutes after they came out, Bella came walking out pretty quick and Edward was right behind her. They started talking and it was starting to get intense. Alice decided to cut in, but not before grabbing my arm and dragging me along with her.

"You riding with us?" Edward just continued to stare at Bella, but answered Alice.

"No. Our bus is full." He then turned around and banged on the door once so the driver could open it. We just glanced at Bella before following Edward. After getting back in the seats we were in, I decided to try and talk to Edward.

"That was a little harsh."

"Well, she needs to stay away."

"Then stop pushing yourself on her." After saying that, he looked at me confused.

"What are talking about?"

"She was leaving us alone until you went up to her and started talking to her again. That is just going to make her more determined on trying to figure out what we are and we don't need that in our lives." He just scoffed at me. "I'm serious Edward. You know what the main rule -" This time he cut me off.

"I know what the rule is!" Jasper then cut in.

"Don't speak to her like that."

"You two stop it now," I said. I look back at Edward and decided to question him. "If you know what the rule is, then tell me it?" He didn't say anything at first. "Tell me Edward. What is the main rule?"

"Don't expose yourself to a human if you are not going to change them or feed from them," He said quietly since the driver was on the bus with us. I started applauding him.

"Exactly so you need to do something about it before someone else does." I didn't speak to him after that. About 10 minutes later, everyone started piling back on the bus and we went back to the school since the day was almost over already. When we got back to the school, we went straight to our cars and headed home. I didn't go to Carlisle's house because I was not ready to deal with Edward again today. He can go suck it for all I care. I wonder what else is going to be in store for us.


Sorry this one was short.

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