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"Mom, do we have to keep doing this?" Nathan asks.

"Yes sweetheart. The younger we start out at a place, the longer we can stay," I tell him. "Besides, we already been here for 7 months. It's the beginning of the second semester of Freshmen year and the talent show is today. I'm going to sing. I know that you and your brother hate going to school after we already graduated for the millionth time, but people will start to get suspicious if we don't do anything."

"We are 17 years old and you are 19. We could've at least started in a higher grade. Also, we don't even have any friends," Ethan cuts is. I did a short laugh toward them both.

"We are not talking about my age boys. Plus, I never said that you couldn't make friends. I just said to be careful if you do." It was silent for a moment before I spoke up again. "What would you like for breakfast?"

"Mountain lion," Ethan and Nathan said at the same time. I get some out of the fridge in a bottle and they heat it up. Once that it done, we get in the car and head to Forks High School.

"Mom, I'm not trying to kill the mood, but I've been wanting to ask you this question after all of these years," Nathan says.

"What's the question?"

"It's about dad." When he says that, my heart begins to break and memories start flashing in my head. I try to not let that bother me. Today is our wedding anniversary. Another year without him.

"Okay. What is it?"

"You told us that you were told that he was dead, but you think differently. Do you honestly believe he is still alive after all this time?"

"Yes I do because I'm going to tell you something. Your father and I had this unbreakable bond that was impossible to break. If something happened to me, then he would know or vice versa. When I was told that he died, I didn't believe it because that bond we had........ I could still feel it. To this day, it's still there. If it was meant to be, then we will find each other again. I'm not giving up." It got quiet and the boys looked at each other.

"What's his name? You never did tell us. All you did was show us pictures." I debated inside my head for a minute before finally telling them. They deserve to know the man's name that I spoke so highly of and that got me pregnant before heading off to the army.

"His name is Jasper Whitlock." After that it was a comfortable silence until we pulled up to the school. "Remember I am your sister here."

"We know." They said at the same time. I just rolled my eyes.

"Whatever. Let's go get this show on the road." We got out of the car and headed into the building. We started hearing talk about a new family in town with the last name Cullen. Oh great. Even more people we have to be careful around.

--- Nathan's POV ---

I worry about my mom sometimes. I know she's not giving up on hoping that our dad was still out there, but maybe he really is dead like she's been told. You'd think that after all this time we would've found him by now. 

She thinks that we don't know that while she hides in her room sometimes, she's staring at the letters that she keeps in a box. I'm guessing they are letters from him. We even noticed that she wears a wedding ring around her neck and there is another one in a box that she keeps. We don't ask her and we definitely don't go snooping because we know it pains her talking about him. Just me asking about him on our way to school this morning pained her. I could see it on her face. She tried not to show it, but I caught it before she could hide it. 

I know she is going to sing something emotional because today is their wedding anniversary. It's another year that she has to spend without him. I love hearing their love story. Maybe she can tell us it again tonight when we get back from hunting because I know she will need it after today.

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