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My Second oldest brother Karan Roy was a man of few words and only spoke the most with his Childhood sweetheart Maria Williams And his other childhood Bestfriend Christopher Allen a.k.a my doom .

Karan and they were 12 years older than me and used to find me annoying whenever I asked them to play with me except Maria she was the sweetest and always bought me food and gifts whenever she came by .

Last but not the least my only brother who paid attention to me was Aditiya Roy who was just 3 years older than me , he used mock and disturb me a lot so I used to ignore him most of the time but now I miss our sibling banter .

As he was the only sibling who always wanted me around and would spend time with me but I ignored him and tried to gain attention from my other two older sibiling brothers and I guess that's where I was wrong.

I should've appreciated my parents and Aditiya's care and not chased after people who didn't love me .

But I did I chased after my brothers who used to get annoyed by me but ignored me but he didn't , he made sure I suffered hell before he killed me .

I still remember I was just 17 when I first realised my feelings for him and confessed to which he simply turned me down saying that he liked Maria who was already engaged to my brother karan .

Seeing that as an opportunity I went behind his back and told his love for maria which cracked the relationship between him and my brother and at the age of 19 I somehow convinced my brother to make me married to christopher so that he wouldn't eye maria and after lot of convincing I finally married him at the age of 22 .

Which made him hate me but instead of shouting or showing his anger on me he opt for silent treatment and ignored my whole existence which triggered me to do some awful and dirty pranks on Maria as I was jealous of the love she got from both my husband and brother.

I know my actions were not justified but I was just a girl who was craving for love and affection from wrong people because if I had looked back I would have found my parents and my third brother standing with their open arms to embrace and love me to the ends of world but I was ignorent and went on with my vicious plans .

Soon christopher came to know and warned me about it , I got scared but relieved that I was let off the hook with just a small warning but ohh boy was I wrong because exactly at the night of the warning he gave me the most painful death by feeding me poison which burned and pained my whole body for 3 hours before taking my life .

But then I guess that was a slight punishment considering it was from the final villian , oh you all must be wondering why I called him final villian well it turns out we were all the characters of a ongoing book called "loved heiress" in which I was cannon fodder (villian more like side villain) and the hero and heroine of the book were my brother karan and maria .

The final villian was christopher who did many gruesome crimes but the most brutal one was of him cutting hands and limbs of maria and caging her for 2 years in his house while torturing her with mice and other creepy animals .

But maria was saved by karan who still accepted her with her disabilities and what happened to christopher was still unknown as the author had left the story for more than a decade. I read the book when I was pre-med student and now I'm almost thirty but still single .

Well that was my life which I can't change but I wad  repenting my sins by becoming a neurosurgeon , saving lives and helping others so I guess this life was worth it as it was my time for repentance and except for family I had everything. Education, wealth and status.

I came out of my thoughts when my colleague knocked on the door of washroom . I sighed and wore the jade bracelet smiling at the memory of that lady calling herself my mother as it warmed my heart inside.

VILLIAN's MADDEST OBSESSION Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant