Chapter Forty Four

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Chapter Forty Four

The children ran for the door. It bolted and locked itself.

"This way!" said Brigitte.

She ran to a door in the wall that should by rights lead to the outside but it lead to a vast chamber full of toys, machinery, tools, and all lit by fluorescent lighting. The room seemed to stretch into infinity.

"This is the workshop."

"A room this big wouldn't fit into the building," said Adam. "How is it possible?"

"Magic," said Brigitte.

"Ask a stupid question," he said.

Brigitte grabbed a small radio and tossed a toy rifle to Adam. On the side of the gun was the legend, Junior Space Ranger Rifle. Brigitte glanced at the Bug.

"You have your weapons."

Brigitte worked the controls on the radio and an entire toy army sprang to life, toy tanks, toy soldiers, toy aircraft. They all shot forward at the demons, the tanks spraying pellets and the aircraft ramming into the demons and the soldiers ramming themselves into the demons, forcing them all back.

Adam shouldered his gun and pulled the trigger. Multi-coloured ping pong balls raced out, accompanied by electronic noises associated with a junior space ranger's rifle. With each pull of the trigger yet another coloured ball struck a demon. Adam was out of balls and saw an orange switch saying full auto. Flipping the switch he pulled the trigger and a stream of red darts struck the demons. The darts were not dangerous but they did sting and the demons did not like being peppered by darts so they fell back.

"Eat plastic!" screamed Adam.

The Bug fired a net at the demons and the net enveloped them and the magnetized weights at the net's edges snapped together securing the trapped demons. They cursed and yowled and struggled to be free. The chief demon Krampus appeared.

"Do I have to do everything myself?"

Out of ammo, Adam threw his gun aside.

"Adam," said Brigitte. "Can you get us out of here?"

Adam tried. "No."

"Try harder."

Adam did so. "No."

"You're not in Lung's chamber any longer. You were fools to enter my domain," said Krampus tossing his stick from one hand to the other and grinning.

"Run!" said Adam.

Brigitte threw aside the remote control. The Bug threw a grenade and it exploded and thick green smoke billowed out. All three children ran along the chamber.

"If we cut a hole in the ceiling," said the Bug. "We can get out on the roof surely?"

"How do we cut a hole in the ceiling?"

The Bug snapped open a pouch on his utility belt and took out a length of cord.

"Therma-cord," he said. "It's adhesive."

He flew up to the ceiling and rapidly fashioned a circle with the cord and stuck it to the ceiling. He dropped down and took a device from his belt.

"Detonator," he said and pressed a switch.

The cord exploded and a section of the ceiling, which had been surrounded by the cord, fell down. Krampus emerged from the green cloud swishing his big stick from side to side. The Bug boosted Brigitte up so she was able to scramble out the hole, next came Adam and then the bug flew up through the hole as Krampus tried to strike him with his stick.

The children found themselves on the snow covered roof of Father Christmas' house. A pair of horns emerged from the hole.

"Let's go," said Adam.

However he was too quick off the mark. The roof sloped at a severe angle and was slippery. Adam lost his balance and tumbled down the side of the roof, catapulting into space.

"Adam!" Brigitte screamed.

Adam landed heavily on a bank of snow. He got shakily to his feet.

"Are you alright," called Brigitte.

"Snow broke my fall. Thank goodness it's a winter wonderland."

"Krampus is coming," said Brigitte looking back.

The Bug grabbed her and the two leapt off the roof and, with his wings beating, alighted safely on the ground.

"Have you any magical powers at all?" said Adam.

"None, only father has such powers and my brother. That's it."

"Is there anything or anyone here with magic?"

"No...wait, of course! I know a way we can fight back."

"Go on."

"The fairy at the top of the Christmas tree. She has magic. We got to get her."

At that instant the window next to Adam smashed open and a pair of hairy hands reached out, grabbed Adam and whisked him back into the building.

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