Chapter Thirty Eight

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Chapter Thirty Eight

After the attack on Adam and his friends went wrong, Clifford Watt and his minions kept their heads down. Captain Trinity was watching them very closely and Clifford Watt really did not want to be thrown out.

Adam kept in touch with his father and mother reporting what went on at the Nexus. He had nothing to report about Jake and nobody had anything to say to him, though he pestered his father and Captain Trinity about the whereabouts of his brother. He got the same answer. Nobody knew anything.

He said to his father. "You aren't telling me everything are you?"

"I'm telling you all I know Adam."

"I know you're keeping something from me."

Adam probed harder but was unable to get anything more from his father. He sensed Captain Trinity was not telling him the whole truth either. This irritated Adam very much, making him feel frustrated and miserable.

Everyone got on with their lessons. Adam threw himself into them. He felt if there was any chance of his brother returning then it lay in his mastering the secrets of the Nexus. He felt betrayed by the adults in his life and he determined he must rely on his own resources to crack the enigma of his brother's disappearance.

He had his differences with his brother. They squabbled, and from time to time, they even physically fought, but he missed Jake so much it hurt.

At dimensional science he finally mastered passing through the brick wall. In fact Adam was able to do a Michael Jackson style moonwalk through the wall and turning around rapidly he moonwalked his way back through to the other side of the wall.

"Show off!" cried somebody.

"Big head!" cried another.

Lung regarded Adam while slowly stroking a long white beard with a massive scaly claw.

Adam also trained on Apache. He would sprint around the precincts of the Nexus on his mount. Then they had another Dinosaur Dash outside the Nexus and this time the helmet and belt worked. Adam was in no way bothered by giant carnivores though he did notice gigantic pterosaurs wheeling in the sky above.

Malcolm won that race. They were making their way from the stables where they had taken their mounts.

"I really believe I'm getting the hang of the future," said Malcolm and he spat on the ground.

Adam looked at the congealing mass of saliva. "I do believe you are."

"I miss that kid with the bucket on his head," said Malcolm. "I'm up for another scrap. Where I come from we're always fighting, bones broken, skulls split. It's great."

"The good old days," said Adam.

"What we got next?"

Adam Brodie and the monster from the dark planetOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora