Chapter Thirty Nine

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The next lesson was dimensional science. While the other students were attempting to walk through the wall Lung had Adam learn teleportation.

"This is dimensional science?" said Adam.

"Oh yes," said Lung. "You need to ascend to a higher dimension. From there you will be able to see everything happening in lower dimensions and appear in any location you desire and vanish back again."

Adam tried but it did not work.

"Focus," said Lung.

"How do you do that?"

Lung was silent. The dragon fixed Adam with a gaze and after a little while Adam decided it best to try again.

"Here goes nothing," he muttered.

Then he teleported across the chamber. The other students gasped and some applauded. Those stuck in the wall shouted, "Nice one!"

"Adam," said Lung. "You performed well. Can you repeat it?"

"I'll give it a go."

It didn't work no matter how much he focussed.

"Beginner's luck," said Lung.

At the end of the lesson Adam went up to the dragon.

"I want to see the principal," he said.


"Because nobody seems to be doing anything about my brother and so I want to go to the head."

Lung shook a great head slowly and smoke billowed from cavern like nostrils.

"There is a time for everything. When it is time the principal will see you."

"So what are you people doing about my brother?"

"We are searching for him. He will be found."


Lung was silent.

"That's what I thought," said Adam. He turned and left the room.

As he strode down a corridor Adam stopped and looked at the wall before him. It was flat and white and glowed to provide light within the interior. It curved slightly at top and bottom to meet the floor and ceiling. A sudden impulse grabbed him.

Adam balled his fists. "I can and I will."

He strode to the wall and bounced off.

"I told you before," said the wall. "You can't practise dimensional science outside Lung's chamber."

"Shut up," said Adam.

"Somebody got out on the wrong side of bed today," said the wall.

Before dinner Adam's temper had cooled and he felt bad the way he had spoken to Lung, so he returned to the chamber and apologised to the dragon.

"That's alright Adam," said Lung. "I know you're upset. You better go or you'll miss dinner."

His friends were already in the canteen and Malcolm as usual had his plate piled high with food and was shovelling great forkfuls into his face and speaking at the same time, showering everyone else at the table in half chewed morsels. As Adam walked up with his tray, Malcolm kicked out a chair from beneath the table.

"Park yer bum," he said.

"Ouch!" said the chair. "That hurt."

Adam reminded himself Malcolm spoke in Olde English and that Malcolm's translator had to translate the medieval equivalent of 'park yer bum'.

Malcolm went on shovelling dinner into his mouth and speaking and showering everyone with bits of food. When he was finished he belched very loudly, stood up and farted very loudly. Then he sat down and patted his stomach sighing contentedly.

"Not being three dimensional," said George. "I cannot smell the fart."

"As I have a helmet over my face," said the Bug. "I am protected against all manner of noxious gases but instruments in my helmet do inform me there is a big spike in the presence of hydrogen sulphide."

Adam and Brigitte pinched their noses while waving their hands vigorously in front of them.

"Congrats on your teleportation," said Brigitte through her pinched nose.

"Thanks," said Adam, through his pinched nose.

Adam Brodie and the monster from the dark planetDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora