Chapter Eleven

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Gilberts takes off flying just above the roof tops of Suburban London heading north west once Gilbert has left the built up areas of London he puts his head down speeding up to about sixty miles an hr as he zips over fields, Gilbert heads for Oxford as it's a key marker in then finding Chiara's house every so often Gilbert drops to ground level to find road signs and distances just to make sure he is heading in the right direction, after about an hour of flying Gilbert sees the spires of Oxford, oh good he thinks he descends to ground level and lands on the Oxford Meadows which look across at on the of the colleges, he flies his stick away then looking around when no one is looking then un - disillusions himself then sits down on one of the benches for a well-earned rest. After about twenty minute rest admiring the view Gilbert gets up looks around sees a small clump of trees that will offer some cover he walks over to the clump looks around nobody is in sight so cast the disillusionment charm on himself then walks out into the open the park area is getting quite busy now so he calls his stick, puts on his goggles then kicks off. Gilbert admires the city scape he thinks it's a lovely city, put concentrate now on where he is heading, north west should only be a twenty minute flight so Gilbert speeds up staying forty feet above the ground after about twenty minutes of flying over some lovely landscapes of fields sheep and dry stone walling, he sees the honey coloured stone village of WychCote, now to find Chiara's house he remembers she said it was in an small combe, next door to another house near some woods, Gilbert flies around the small town looking for the house then he spots it he flies down to the front door dismounts his stick and un- disillusions himself and then knocks on the door. After a couple minutes a lady opens the door Good morning is Chiara in its Gilbert, the lady smiles yes she is, she calls out Chiara its Gilbert; Gilbert hears the sound of a door slamming and quick steps running down the stairs as Chiara sees Gilbert she drops her bag and gives Gilbert a big hug then kisses him on his cheek. Chiara's mum says jokingly so you do know him then, Gilbert laughs; Chiara replies of course I do she's bubbly with excitement, As Chiara is still hugging Gilbert Mr Lobosca appears at the door he picks up Chiara's bag, Hello Mr Lobosca Gilbert says, Hello Gilbert ; it is alright that I take your daughter away for a week to Wales, yes of course it is she hasn't stopped taking about what creatures they might see, Gilbert smiles we will return next Sunday in the afternoon, Mr and Mrs Lobosca smile well have a lovely time my dear as Mrs Lobosca hands Chiara her bag. It will be about a two hour flight Chiara do you feel up to that, she looks shyly, ok you can sit behind me, do you have some goggles, she shakes her head luckily I do have spare pair in here Gilbert reaches into his right pocket and brings out some goggles put these on, Chiara takes them from Gilbert and puts them on good, Gilbert puts his goggles on to; Chiara's Mum says take care both of you and have fun see you both next Sunday yes both Gilbert and Chiara say; Mr and Mrs Lobosca wave at Chiara as Gilbert casts the disillusionment charm on them both, then the both get on the stick ready Gilbert says turning to Chiara yes she replies, hold on tight, I will Chiara replies. Gilbert then kicks off and starts to ascend doing little circles till he is high enough to then fly in the North West direction. As they fly over the landscape of fields it gradually changes to being more hilly with streams and trees start to disappear, Gilbert slows down, Chiara calls are you alright Gilbert I am bit tired I need to find somewhere to rest up and have some lunch, Chiara strokes Gilberts right leg down here to the right there is an open space, Gilbert looks to the right and drops down to have a closer look as he stops about ten foot off the ground he says ok but we better still be under the charm in case any muggles appear. Gilbert drops the stick to ground level they both get off, Gilbert finds a grassy south facing patch of grass and lies down, and Chiara sits next to Gilbert and rubs his shoulder. Let's rest here then get some food I packed some sandwiches and some drink in my bag, ok thank Gilbert says exhaustedly.

After Gilbert rested for about half an hour he sat up Chiara is there watching Gilbert looks at her she smiles are you hungry now she says yes thank you she hands Gilbert a sandwich and opened a can of fizzy drink, Gilbert munches away in the sandwich hmm he says what's in it well my Mum gives often gives me ham slices with marmite when Ima tired gives me energy I like the marmite its gives the ham a sharpness, here she says have some fizzy drink Gilbert takes a sip, hmm that's better feel better now, Gilbert looks to the north west we are not far from our campsite, an hour at most I should think, What are going to sleep in Chiara asks? It's alright Chiara I have a tent in my pocket that when I take it out I will Engorgio it, Chiara smiles oh good but I won't mind sleeping in the open with you the prince, Gilbert laughs me too my princess me too.

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