Chapter Eight

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Troubles with Jealousy

December 1989

Hogwarts slowly comes back to a new normal after the events of the past few months have sunk in and students and Professors have come to terms with the events and aftermath of Rakepick and the Petrification Curse, the Sixth year students are calmer now with an odd sense of missing Merula Snyde stirring things up, Ismelda seemed lost without Merula wandering the corridors, Beatrice moved on and went back to being around her sister Penny, more strange of late was Ismelda acquired a new unusual but quieter sidekick in the form of Skye Parkin. Which was unusual as Skye usually didn't hang out with anyone but seems to have been drawn to Ismelda. Gilbert restarted his regular routine of having a swim on Thursday mornings, which did draw a number of girls from all of the houses and different years to watch and ogle "The Hero of Hogwarts," over the weeks the numbers started to drop down to a couple of dozen, Gilbert still had girls smiling, whispering or whistling at him as he walked around Hogwarts each day. This was a novelty to start with but after a while Gilbert just started to ignore them and continue with his daily life school life and routines.

On Gilberts 17th Birthday he received lots of Birthday cards from the students and from most of the Professors, which flattered Gilbert, many of the girls would rush over during the day and wish Gilbert a Happy Birthday some even giving Gilbert a quick kiss on the cheeks this Gilbert enjoyed but did annoy Penny especially when she was walking with Gilbert at the time. In the evening Penny and Chiara said "they have a surprise for him," which intrigued Gilbert his orders were to be at the fountain in the courtyard at 6pm. So, Gilbert thought I'd better change into something smart for this surprise as he got ready in his room it was nearly 6pm so Gilbert made his way to the courtyard fountain as he turned the corner and entered the courtyard he saw Chiara and Penny there waiting for him dressed in lovely dresses, Gilbert walks over to them "Good Evening" he says they come over "Good evening Birthday boy" and give Gilbert a peck on the cheek, "so what is this surprise you have for me?" "Well" Penny says Chiara giggling "let's have a walk shall we." all three of them start to walk towards the Forbidden forest, Gilbert turns to his Girlfriends "I thought we were going somewhere for a meal," Chiara giggles "yes we are," she says, Penny smiles "you will soon see," so after about five minute walk they enter the forbidden forest there in a glade is a table laid out for three "oh Gilbert" says smiling "this is lovely," Penny says "wait for the real surprise," Chiara gives a whistle out pops his friend Bowtruckle and Fairy flies over to Gilbert, Gilbert smiles "Hello my friends," he says smiling broadly, Fairy lands on Gilberts left shoulder as they approach the table, Gilbert puts his hand against the tree trunk and the Bowtruckle dances across his arm to is right shoulder. Penny indicates for Gilbert to sit down so Gilbert sits down with his friends on his shoulder and Chiara and Penny sit down on the other seats. "This is lovely" Gilbert says smiling, "what would you like to drink Gilbert?" Penny enquires, "oh a glass of butterbeer would be nice," Penny leans over to a basket next to her and brings out three bottles of butterbeer, pours them out into three glasses hands one to Gilbert and the other to Chiara, "Happy Birthday Gilbert" they raise their glasses "cheers" he says.

Christmas is spent with his Mother and Grandmother in Misery Island for two weeks his Mother calls to Gilbert that she has an announcement to make looking rather nervous and excited too, she looks at her Mother then looks at Gilbert smiling; "Gilbert you remember meeting John Frostell at the summer party," "yes he seems a nice man," she smiles "and you two got on well together;" "yes sort of, I only met him once for a few days," "well" she says taking an inhale her breathe, "John and I are engaged to be married," Gilbert looks a bit stunned she gives Gilbert a hug, "we have known each other for years but only started dating last year, but I think we you need a Father figure in your life, I will still use my maiden name for work and you will still keep your Fathers surname of course," Gilbert smiles a little perplexed; Gilberts Gran comes over to Gilbert, "my Dear, John will of course never replace your Father," Gilberts Mum smiles and nods "it's just that like you have lovely Penny as a girlfriend, your Mother has a boyfriend, but they wish to make it more secure for you," Gilberts Mum adds "John will bring things to the family, he will never take anything away, he is as we told you at last summer's party he is the wizard representative to the President of the United States so he has big power and is a very important wizard," Gilbert sort of nods, let's have a walk while we chat, Gilberts Mum holds Gilberts hand, "I have missed your Father and I still miss him, John and I won't be having any children by our marriage, so you will still be the number one man in our household, John will stay over every so often but as you are in Hogwarts most of the time you will only see him on Holidays, but he will help you with your career, after Hogwarts."

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