Chapter Four

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June 1989

Gilbert studied hard on his own with Rowan or with Chiara and Penny for his O.W.L.S exams this hard work paid off by passing the eleven subjects he took with five being Outstanding these were : - (Charms, Transfiguration, Care of Magical Creatures, Potions and Defence against the Dark Arts). To celebrate the successful completion of their O.W.L.S. Gilbert, Rowan, Chiara, Penny, Barn, Andre, Tonks, Charlie, Liz and Badeea Ali, Rowans girlfriend visited the Three Broomsticks for a few butterbeer. Where they also discussed the ongoing issue of the cursed vaults, also their domineering Madam Rakepick lecturer in Defence against the Dark arts who they felt was up to something but they couldn't figure what.

Just after the O.W.L.S final exams Gilbert embarks on the final cursed vault adventure, this adventure Bill and Charlie Weasley, Merula Snyde and Ben Cooper join along with Madame Rakepick. Gilbert managed to persuade Peeves the Hogwarts Poltergeist to give him the vault portrait; this was the portkey that was required to get into the final series of Cursed vaults. Madame Rakepick chose the time and place for the entire curse breakers to port into the cursed vault. They arrived in an underground chamber with a door on a painted wall there was evidence that there had been a dragon down there but had managed to break free of its chains. Ben Cooper knocked on the door to see if that would work it didn't, but what it did do was bring the loose dragon to fight them Charlie shouted out that it was a Hungarian Horntail so watch out for its tail. They all tried to subdue the dragon but it was Gilbert who managed to knock the dragon out with a conjunctivitis curse and Flipendo jinx. Gilbert sensed the door was a Legilimency door Headmaster Dumbledore had told him about those sometime back when he asked Professor Snape to help Gilbert with his Legilimency and Occlumency, with that knowledge Gilbert opened the door unfortunately Madame Rakepick blasted all of them with a strong Flipendo jinx which knocked them all back hard, saying "I will enter the vault first and get the prize R has been waiting for, You were all just fodder for what was to come except Gilbert Bohun I needed his skills to get into the vault that his brother had but he failed and is locked inside a portrait," All the of them fire at Rakepick but she is too strong, Rakepick fires a Crucio curse at Merula who writhe in pain, Gilbert suddenly remembers that Professor Snape gave him a potion of Convulse Lus which Professor Snape thought Gilbert Bohun might need, for his adventures the potion when broken would make the person within range convulse and therefore loose concentration on a spell they may have cast, giving Gilbert time to escape he fire off a few spells to incapacitate the target; Gilbert throws the bottle at the feet of Rakepick it breaks making her convulse and choke she slightly recovers, to say "I am not done yet but Gilbert, you remember I told you one of your friends must die," she smiles, with that she apparates out.

Gilbert and the other curse breakers rush to help Merula, Merula mumbles "Gilbert go get your brother I'll be alright." Gilbert reluctantly leaves Merula with the others and enters the vault. It's very similar to all the other ones Gilbert has been too, suddenly there is a voice "Pip it's me Jacob touch the column and get me out you can trust me." Gilbert was about to touch it then stopped, "Trust you" replies Gilbert, "I barely know you; do you realise I have been looking for you ever since I arrived at Hogwarts!" "What Pip don't you trust me?" Silence both look at each other one standing free looking up at a portrait with Jacob inside, the others enter Bill touches the column which frees Jacob, "did I interrupt something" says Bill, "Yes" replies Gilbert, "I am Jacob, Gilberts older brother," "Oh so you're the infamous Jacob that got expelled from Hogwarts" says Merula, "How did you get here?" replies Jacob, "Madam Rakepick came with us," "what" replies Jacob, "I must find her now," "She apparated out" replies Ben at that point Jacob apparates out as well. "Well, that was rude" says Merula "now how do we get out? that portrait was smashed by the dragon," "well we will find another portkey I am sure there must be one around here" replies Gilbert. While Merula and Ben look for a portkey Gilbert, Charlie and Bill stare at the floating column.

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