Chapter 2

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As the group sat on their usual lunch spot, laughing and sharing stories. The atmosphere was lively, filled with the sounds of the distant chatter of other students.

Jay, who had been missing from the gathering, finally entered the scene with his usual nonchalant demeanor. His face wore a signature pout, and he moved with a slow, almost lazy stride. However, his casual approach faltered when he noticed an unfamiliar face among his friends.

This stranger  who just made his was and sat beside Sunoo, who was animatedly recounting a funny incident, his eyes twinkling with joy. But what caught Jay's attention—and more importantly, Sunghoon's—was the way the newcomer casually reached out and took Sunoo's hand, intertwining their fingers as if it were the most natural thing in the world.

Sunghoon's brow furrowed in annoyance, his smile slipping as he tried to mask his displeasure. He shifted slightly, clearly uncomfortable with the new dynamic.

Jay's reaction was more visceral. For the first time, he felt a pang of something unfamiliar and unsettling. Jealousy. It burned in his chest, a sharp contrast to his usually cool demeanor. He could feel the metaphorical horns of his temper flaring, a rare occurrence for someone so typically composed.

Without a second thought, Jay quickened his pace, a determined set to his jaw. He wasn't sure what he was going to do, but he knew he couldn't just stand by and watch. As he approached the group, he scooped up Sunshine, the small, fluffy Pomeranian who was the unofficial mascot of their friend circle. Holding the dog close to his chest, as if seeking comfort and fortitude from the warm bundle of fur, Jay stepped up to the group.

"Hey, everyone," he said, trying to keep his voice steady. His eyes darted to the newcomer, assessing the situation. "Who's this?"

Sunoo looked up, his expression brightening even more. "Jay! This is Jake, our new classmate. He just moved here, and I was just showing him around and thought it'd be great for him to meet you all."

Jake smiled warmly, oblivious to the tension. "Nice to meet you, Jay. Sunoo's told me a lot about you."

Jay forced a smile, his grip on Sunshine tightening slightly. "Likewise," he replied, though his mind was racing. He couldn't pinpoint why, but seeing Sunoo with someone else, even platonically, stirred something deep within him.

The day continued, but Jay's focus kept drifting back to Jake and Sunoo. Every laugh they shared, every casual touch, felt like a tiny needle pricking at Jay's composure. He tried to engage with the group, but his thoughts were a chaotic mess of confusion and newfound feelings.

As the weeks progressed, many more surprises awaited them.

It was the last day of their class when Seungmin and Chan gathered everyone together to share some exciting news.

"So, guys, as you all know, Chan and I applied for that special program and guess what? We got in!" Seungmin announced, his eyes sparkling with excitement.

"Whoa! Really? Congratulations, you guys!" Sunoo and the others were thrilled. Seungmin and Chan had been working tirelessly for this opportunity, and their hard work had finally paid off.

"This may come as a surprise, but we'll be flying off to Europe this weekend," Chan added, his voice tinged with both excitement and a hint of sadness.

"Whoa! That fast already?" Sunoo pouted, his face falling slightly at the thought of his friends leaving so soon.

"Oh, sweetie," Seungmin chuckled, pulling Sunoo into a tight group hug with Chan. "We won't be gone long, just until the end of the semester."

"But that's five months!" Sunoo teared up, hugging them back even tighter.

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