journey of love and friendship

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Winter has arrived in the blink of an eye, and after a period of recuperation, my feet have gotten much better. Xu Nianci still maintains the habit of doing homework with me after school every day. Several new dishes have been added to our dining table. My mother laughed and said that it is a combination of Chinese and Western food. Everything looks more harmonious and happy, and even the air seems to be filled with joy.
"Yifei! Don't feel bad. Mom is really happy!" The mother repeated what she had said before, with a look of complaint on her face.
"You and he had a strong rivalry when we were young. He was too worried - he always thought about others, but in the end we couldn't live together? Now that Nianci is treating you like this, it makes me even more worried. I'm really afraid that you will do it again. Spoil her." Mother sighed, got up and walked into the kitchen.
Nianci... Nianci... I lowered my head and scratched the paper with the tip of my pen. Yes, she treats me like this, what should I do? I lay awake all night searching for possible solutions. Maybe...maybe I'm just not ready yet, what should I call her…
These days, I am not unaware of the obvious changes between us in all kinds of small and trivial things. Sometimes, when my foot injury makes it difficult for me to move around, Nianci will complete all kinds of small things for me like a real girlfriend. As a girl who grew up as a younger sister, her arms seemed to have become stronger and she could help me carry some things that were not light.
I feel very uncomfortable. Nianci is so good, but I always seem to be nothing special. When she was around me, the ideas in my heart seemed to start to waver - to me, the most important person in the world may be Nianci.
In school, there are endless things to say and countless days of laughter. But when we look at the sky together and see the white clouds floating in front of us like smoke, we feel extremely calm. The breeze blew our hair, making my heart dance with the lingering smell. This secret hidden in my heart actually has the courage to tell it slowly.
At this time, I suddenly had the courage to gradually uncover my hidden emotions, to gradually accept Nian Ci, and it became the miracle in my life.
The sun shines through the gaps in the leaves and dapples the corners of the playground, covering the ground with golden color. Xu Nianci walked slowly on the way home. As she walked, she sang the song she had just learned in a low voice, with carefree joy in her eyes.
"Hey, Nianci!" A familiar and warm voice suddenly came from behind. Xu Nianci turned around and saw Chen Yifei walking towards her slowly with his signature smile on his face, one hand in his school uniform pocket and the other holding a book.
"Hey, Brother Yifei, school is over. Did the teacher praise the homework you handed in in math class today?" Xu Nianci blinked and asked curiously.
"Ha, you are very concerned about it." Chen Yifei smiled and said, "The teacher praised you. But, more importantly, I didn't help check your homework. Is that okay?"
Xu Nianci curled her lips, "I'm not a primary school student anymore, I can do self-examination after all. Anyway, if I make a mistake, I still have Brother Yifei to help me."
The two of them chatted with each other, walking leisurely and leisurely. Bathed in the afterglow of the setting sun, time seemed to slow down.
"By the way, Nianci, I have something to tell you..." Chen Yifei's voice suddenly trailed off, and his hesitant expression made Xu Nianci feel a little strange.
"Ah, what's the matter? Brother Yifei, don't be pretentious, just tell the truth!" Xu Nianci looked expectant, stopped, and moved closer curiously.
Chen Yifei touched his nose nervously, "Actually... it's about the school's upcoming autumn dance..."
"Dance?" Xu Nianci was stunned, "Could it be..."
At this moment, there was a sharp braking sound not far away, and everyone's attention was drawn to it. A child rushed out from across the road. A bicycle happened to brake suddenly and almost hit the child. Collide.
Chen Yifei rushed out almost subconsciously. He caught the child in time and avoided an accident.
After everything returned to calm, Xu Nianci's heart was still beating wildly. She watched Chen Yifei safely deliver the child to the opposite road, and an unprecedented emotion emerged in her heart.
"Brother Yifei...thank you." Xu Nianci walked over, her voice trembling and tears shining in her eyes.
"Silly girl, it's okay." Chen Yifei smiled and put his arm on Xu Nianci's shoulder, "Let's go, let's talk about the next thing while walking."
As their backs gradually disappeared into the sunset, there seemed to be a longer story waiting for them to write at the other end of the road.
"Ah, I've checked, there will be no problem!" Xu Nianci made a victory gesture, raised the corners of his mouth, and revealed a smile that was sweet to the bottom of his heart.
Chen Yifei was stunned for a moment, and suddenly his heart felt sour. He knew the feeling of mist in Xu Nianci's smiling eyes - it was deep love for him, mixed with a little loss. Outsiders couldn't see it, but Yifei knew it very well.
"Yifei, you have always been by my side and always helped me," her voice came, sparkling, "I want to help you too, at least a little bit."
The corner of Chen Yifei's lips curled up, and all he could see was her crystal clear eyes, sparkling like gems, reflecting the world he saw from her perspective. He discovered that he himself occupied most of that world.
He said warmly, "Nian Ci, you have done a great job. With you by my side, I am not afraid of anything."
Xu Nianci felt a little flattered by Chen Yifei's affectionate confession. "Yifei, thank you. Me too..." She trailed off, looking a little shy.
Chen Yifei seemed to be able to catch her voice floating in the wind, with a little tremor and shyness, which made his heart shrink tightly, and then beat rapidly again.
He looked tenderly at Xu Nianci who was walking towards him, and he remembered her kindness, her attentiveness, and her every smile. But at this moment, her warm spring smile, clear eyes, and half-hidden shyness were just like the bright sunny day in his heart, making him intoxicated and unaware of his way back.
He began to realize his feelings for Nian Ci. This feeling was extremely deep and persistent, but also extremely soft, just like the river flowing around the mountains, embracing her, doting on her, and protecting her.
"Actually..." Chen Yifei's voice was a little slow, as if he was searching for the right words, "Actually, I think you are a great friend, or...a very special friend."
Hearing this, Xu Nianci couldn't help but slightly widen his eyes. Her heartbeat was a little fast, out of nervousness and anticipation. She seemed to hear something, but she didn't seem to hear anything.
That night, Nianci and I sat side by side on the balcony, looking at the stars in the sky, and my heart couldn't help but be filled with emotion. For the first time, I mustered up the courage to confess to Nianci. This love that had been hidden in my heart finally gave me the confidence to no longer be selfish.
However, just as I was about to speak, I saw a car passing by carrying a large advertising screen, which was scrolling with a clothing advertisement for an online store. Nian Ci seemed to be attracted by this novel advertisement and watched it with gusto.
"Nianci?" I called her softly.
"Brother Yifei, I want to buy this skirt, what do you think?" Nianci pointed it out to me expectantly.
"Buy it, it will look good on you." I replied subconsciously.
"Brother Yifei, you are so kind!" Nianci jumped up excitedly and turned around, his glasses shining brightly under the desk lamp, shining with joy from the heart. Then, without saying a word, she rushed into the living room and picked up her mobile phone.
Just like that, the confession was put on hold, as if nothing had happened. But I know that I have taken an important step and clarified my deep feelings for Nianci in my heart.
Nianci was immediately fascinated by the fashionable dresses in that online store, and her shopping cart was filled with a bunch of beautiful and unique clothes. I happily plan my orders every day and ask for  opinion from time to time, this caused an inexplicable change in me. Looking at Nianci's smile, my feelings for her became deeper, as if I had also participated in her happiness.
Every night, I always fall asleep in my thoughts, and the kindness in my dreams is always so beautiful. Every morning, I always have the urge to tell Nianci out loud that she is more than just a friend to me, she has become an indispensable presence in my life.

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