The Adventure Begins

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                                                                        BOOK ONE

                                                                    Chapter One

It was in Gilbert Bohuns first year September 1984 that it all began, he met Rowan Khanna in Diagon alley shopping for items for school, they hit it off straight away laughing and joking as they did their shopping in Diagon alley together, they shared a compartment on the train ride up to Hogwarts with Andre Egwu and Charlie Weasley, they had such laughs on the train they nearly forgot to get off ,when it was time to be sorted into their houses when the sorting hat sat on Rowans head it said almost straight away a learning chap wants to be a Professor, well it's got to be Ravenclaw Rowan was very pleased it was the house he had been chatting to Gilbert about all the time since they met, now it was Gilberts, turn as the sorting hat was placed on Gilberts head he said "hmm this is unusual, let me see what lies inside", after a couple of minutes the sorting hat said "this mind has two houses that he should be in but which one", Gilbert whispered to himself "should I go with my head or my heart," " your head dear boy" the sorting hat said to him, "please let it be Ravenclaw then" as he wished to be in the same house as his new friend, "Ravenclaw ah" says the sorting hat said quietly "well I was thinking of Grrr no Ravenclaw it is" the hat says loudly, Gilbert was very pleased and went over to sit next to Rowan this made it easier for both of them to settle into life at school they also shared the same dorm together spending many hours chatting about their different lives and backgrounds, Gilbert found Rowans life fascinating, Rowan being an only child and Gilbert never really knowing his much older brother being seven years older, he was in Hogwarts for most of Gilberts growing up, only really seeing him at the Summer and Christmas breaks then it all changed he hadn't be heard or seen from since he had been expelled from Hogwarts in his final year in the spring of 1983.

The Professors at Hogwarts nicknamed them the twins, as they were inseparable for their first three years they only separated during the holidays or when Rowan was studying in the library or when Rowan went home to his parents' house in Surrey, were they grew Hawthorn trees for wand making and Gilberts Mother and Grandmother lived in the US, he rarely went back to see them over the holiday periods they were often very busy with their work at MACUSA or IIvermorny school. Gilbert didn't restrict his friendship to just Ravenclaw house in the first years at Hogwarts. Gilbert made friends with other students in Slytherin, Gryffindor and Hufflepuff, like a strongly built brown hair boy named Barnaby from Slytherin who loved Magical creatures Gilbert got along with him as he had trouble fitting in with some fellow students, when Rowan was busy studying in the library which was quite often, Gilbert enjoyed learning about these wonderful new creatures, Gilbert also was friends with a redhaired boy from Gryffindor called Charlie Weasley he had two older brothers at the school already, he was fixated with dragons, their chats so much so their chats always came back to dragons which amused Gilbert, but annoyed his older brothers, Percy who was very strict and played by the rules exactly, as he wanted to be prefect, then the eldest was Bill, who Gilbert grew to treat like an older brother that he looked up to for advice, they got on well, Bill was very laid back easy to get along with, he wanted to be a Curse breaker when he left school, Gilbert found this far more interesting than dragons, Rowan admired Bill as he had this auror about him that probably like Gilbert felt drawn to him like an older wiser brother.

Gilbert spent his Christmas and Easter holidays in his first two years at Hogwarts except Summer holidays when he did go home to his Mother and Gran, in his third year Charlie invited Gilbert to stay at Charlie Weasleys house in Devon over Christmas, which Gilbert enjoyed immensely as it was a bit chaotic at times as they had a large household of six children including twins who caused much arguments with their pranks but Gilbert got on well with them as they treated him kindly, Charlies parents Molly and Arthur were really nice they made Gilbert feel like he was part of the family home; At Christmas time Gilbert would make Chocolate Honeycomb sweets for the Professors and House Elves who stayed over Christmas, one of the few memories Gilbert had, that he vaguely remembers from childhood was his Mother or a relation would bake Christmas chocolate honeycomb sweets, so Gilbert felt the need to continue this tradition, he would bake large batches as a thank you to the House Elves for their hard work over the year and to the Professors assisted by Rowan and the Engorgio spell, Gilbert would continue with this tradition till his seventh year.

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