Is that a hickey? - Ona Batlle

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Hey everyone, here is another update. One was heavily requested so I thought I would write one with this specific idea!

I'm mindlessly scrolling on tik tok whilst my girlfriend is at training when I see a video pop up on my for you page. This particular video was of a girl who decided doing the hickey prank on her boyfriend would be hilarious.

I continued watching and found that it actually was pretty funny. I'm a prank master myself so when I came across this video I immediately took it as a sign to do the prank on Ona. Just the other week she had came up with the tremendous idea of waking me up with ice cold water and I have been looking for a way to get her back ever since. Sure it may be a little cruel to do this prank on her but you know the saying: 'When you go low, I go lower'

I quickly check the time and it reads, 4:36pm. I jump up off the lounge I'm currently laying on and make my way to our bathroom where all the tools necessary for this prank are situated. Ona shouldn't be home for about an hour so I have plenty of time to make the 'hickey' look as real as possible.

I do have a lingering fear that she won't believe it's a prank and she might actually think I'm cheating on her, which is crazy. But I push those thoughts aside and try not to entertain them.

I grab my makeup bag from the cupboard and begin digging for what I need. This consists of, my darkest blush, a selection of coloured eyeliner pencils and a few necessary brushes. Once I have everything, I set it all out before me on the vanity, going through the steps I need to take to make sure this prank is done successfully.

I reach for a medium toned red eyeliner pencil and press it to the side of my neck. I decide it's the perfect spot to place the 'hickey' as it's not too noticeable but it's also not invisible and hard to spot. I slowly and gently start engraving small 'bite marks' into my neck and blend them together a little with my fingers.

Once I'm satisfied I inspect the marks closely in the mirror. They look pretty questionable so far but I know with a little more work they'll look realistic enough for the prank.

I take a hold of my blush and a brush that fits the agenda of what I'm about to do and start applying it to what I've already done. I swipe small amounts of blush at a time and blend it into the area in which the 'hickey' is going to be.

Upon further examination I see that the 'hickey' looks about done. I just touch up a few things and place everything back down. I check the time again and see that Ona should be home in around half an hour, giving me the time to cook a quick and easy meal for dinner.

I clean up everything in the bathroom and go out into the kitchen. I walk into our pantry and settle on simple egg and bacon rolls for dinner, something neither of us can complain about.

I decide to put on some music whilst I'm cooking to deafen the silence around the house. Being home alone promotes me to play background music 24/7 due to my hatred of the quiet.

I'm currently in my element, dancing and singing along to the tunes playing through my speaker when I hear the front door opening and closing, signalling the beginning of my prank. I had almost forgotten about the prank if I'm being honest, too caught up in cooking dinner.

I quickly manipulate my hair so that it's slightly covering the 'hickey' so that Ona won't immediately notice it. "Amore?" Ona questions in a mother tongue, knowing full well it's the only word in Spanish I can translate.

"In here" I reply, smirking to myself.  "Mmm, smells good" she smiles at the food currently sizzling in the pan. Right after she says this I feel her strong arms snake their way around my waist and place a soft kiss to my cheek.

"How was training, my love?" I question.

"Y/n" Ona speaks shakily. She never uses my name.

I feel my hair being pushed to the side and I realise it's show time. I pull my act together and quickly pull away from Ona's touch. She looks at me and I can see she's confused and scared, even hurt. I can't lie it breaks my heart a little.

"Amore, what's on your neck?" Ona asks, her face scrunched up in question. "Nothing" I snap and go back to focusing on the dinner I'm in the middle of preparing. "Y/n" Ona says sternly, her voice no longer wavering.

"Look at me" she places her two fingers under my chin and forces me to look at her.

"What is on your neck Amore?" She questions, eerily calm. I just realised she can be very intimidating when she tries. I only ever see the soft and gentle side of her. This side is scary.

"I just burnt myself on my hair straightener, nothing special" I answer and Ona immediately rolls her eyes, clearly not buying it.

"I've heard that one too many times Amore, tell me the truth" she says, her eyes boring into my soul, almost prying the words out of me.

"It's a hickey isn't it?" She speaks before I can answer her initial question.

I burst into laughter immediately after hearing this and I catch a look of  annoyance pass over Ona's face. "Baby, it's a joke" I confess. I take my index finger and swipe it along the 'hickey', showing Ona that it was definitely fake. her face immediately softens.

She smiles and looks away from me, relieved.

She comes closer to me and wraps an arm around my waist, burying her face into my neck.

"Te amo, I thought you were cheating on me" she breathes.

"Te amo and I could never baby" I say, soothingly rubbing her back. I give her a quick peck on the lips before returning to dinner.

Ona doesn't leave my side until the next morning..


I don't know how I feel about this one but let me know what you think!

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