Alisha Lehmahn - I do

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Hey everyone! My gosh it's been a long time since I have updated. I'm sorry for my absence, I have been on a holiday for around 4 weeks and I'm starting school in a week so updates may be less frequent.

"You look stunning" I turn around and see my twin sister gawking at me from the doorway to the small room I'm getting ready in. I just smile and give her a thumbs up to signal I am thankful for her compliment.

I've just gotten into my wedding dress and I'm making sure everything is perfect regarding it. My sister walks over to me and puts a hand on my shoulder. In the reflection of the mirror I see her tearing up slightly, making me emotional.

"Don't cry please, you'll make me cry all my makeup off" I laugh and push her shoulder playfully. I have always been close with my sister, she's my other half, quite literally. She gets along amazingly with my soon to be wife, Alisha, and it warms my heart to no end. She is going to be my maid of honour and I know that's very special to her.

"Alisha is one lucky girl" she continues, dabbing at her eyes to prevent any tears from falling. "And she better know it" I say, causing her to laugh. Alisha is getting herself prepared in the room beside mine and I'm itching to see her. I can hardly wait to be her wife.

Just then the door to my room opens and reveals my father, "it's time" he smiles and holds out his arm for me to take. I take a deep breath and walk over to him, linking my arm with his.

I walk down the aisle beside my sister and father, never once taking my eyes off my fiancé. She looks perfect, her dress is the most gorgeous I've ever seen, her long blonde hair is done in a simple ponytail and she has the biggest smile plastered on her rosy cheeks. I immediately tear up spotting my entire family in the audience and walk up the stairs to stand in front of Alisha.

"Hey" she whispers once I'm within earshot. "Hi" I giggle nervously. My father and sister take their places and the ceremony begins.

After a little bit the marriage officiant begins the ending.

"Do you, Alisha Lehmahn, take Y/n Y/l/n, as your wife?" He questions.

"I do" she smiles and looks at me.

We continue through the I do's and reach the very end.

"You may kiss the bride"

We share a short, sweet and passionate kiss and look to the audience, who are smiling and clapping, some crying, and I take Alisha's hand in mine.

"Everybody, Mrs and Mrs Y/l/n!" The marriage officiant announces and they clap louder.

I am officially married to the girl of my dreams.


440 words. Requests are closed now everyone just so you know.

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