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In the heart of Bangkok, where tuk-tuks weaved through traffic like hyperactive dragonflies and street vendors peddled their wares with relentless enthusiasm, Gawin Caskey pursued his target with all the subtlety in a dark alley. His dark sunglasses and leather jacket might have made him look like a cliché from a 90s action movie, but Gawin was deadly serious about his job. Joss Wayar, the pampered son of a Thai tycoon and a rather clueless student of English literature, had somehow managed to land himself on Gawin's hit list.

As Gawin trailed Joss through the chaotic streets of Bangkok, dodging stray dogs and dodgy street performers, he couldn't help but marvel at the sheer absurdity of it all. Here he was, a hitman on a mission, navigating the bustling markets of Chatuchak like a tourist on a shopping spree.

"Hey, mister, you want suit? Very cheap, very good quality!" a persistent vendor called out to Gawin as he passed by, waving a garish Hawaiian shirt in his face.

Gawin shook his head with a wry smile. "Maybe next time," he replied, trying to keep a low profile.

Meanwhile, Joss sauntered through the crowded streets with the obliviousness of a sleepwalker, completely unaware of the danger lurking behind him.

"Excuse me, sir, you drop something!" Joss called out to a passing pedestrian, pointing at an imaginary object on the ground.

Gawin couldn't help but chuckle at Joss's antics, shaking his head in disbelief. This was going to be easier than he thought.

Finally, Gawin decided to make his move. With the grace of a jungle cat, he slipped into the shadows and followed Joss down a narrow alley, his pulse quickening with anticipation.

But just as Gawin reached for his weapon, he heard a familiar voice behind him.

"Hey, buddy, you know where I can find a good pad thai around here?" a tourist asked, oblivious to Gawin's true intentions.

Gawin sighed in frustration, his carefully laid plans crumbling like a cheap knockoff Rolex.

As he melted back into the bustling crowds of Bangkok, Gawin couldn't help but shake his head at the absurdity of it all. A hitman thwarted by a hungry tourist — it was almost too ridiculous to believe.

But as he disappeared into the chaos of the city, Gawin knew that this was just another day in the life of a professional killer. And who knows? Maybe next time, he'd finally get his man.

UNTOUCH --JossGawin Au (END)Where stories live. Discover now