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From the rooftop of a nearby building in the chaotic streets of Bangkok, Gawin Caskey aimed his rifle with all the finesse of a seasoned hitman. His eye, sharp as a hawk's, scanned the bustling thoroughfare below, while his hand remained steady as a rock. He had Joss Wayar, the heir to a Thai fortune, squarely in his sights.

"Just a little to the left... and... gotcha," Gawin whispered to himself with a smirk, ready to pull the trigger and complete his mission.

But fate, always the prankster, had other plans in mind. Just as Gawin was about to take the shot, a cacophony of screeching tires and crunching metal echoed from the street below. A sudden car accident sent Joss darting in a direction Gawin hadn't anticipated, causing the hitman's bullet to miss its mark by a hair's breadth.

"Aw, come on!" Gawin exclaimed in frustration, his cool facade momentarily slipping as he watched Joss disappear into the maze of Bangkok's streets.

As Gawin cursed his luck, a voice from behind him made him jump, nearly dropping his rifle in the process.

"Hey, buddy, you mind moving? You're blocking my view," a tourist said, gesturing impatiently at Gawin's spot on the rooftop.

Gawin shot the tourist a glare that could curdle milk, but the oblivious man simply shrugged and went back to taking selfies against the backdrop of the city skyline.

With a resigned sigh, Gawin slinked back into the shadows to reassess his strategy. Clearly, shooting from rooftops wasn't going to cut it in the chaotic streets of Bangkok.

"I guess it's time to get a little more... creative," Gawin muttered to himself, a mischievous glint in his eye as he plotted his next move. Little did Joss know, he was about to become the unwitting star of Gawin's slapstick comedy of errors.

UNTOUCH --JossGawin Au (END)Where stories live. Discover now