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Dressed in an ill-fitting shirt and a pair of glasses that looked like they belonged in a museum, Gawin Caskey posed as an administrative staff member at Joss's university, blending in with the scenery like a chameleon in a kaleidoscope. His mission: to uncover the secrets of the unsuspecting playboy.

As Gawin shuffled through the maze of paperwork on his desk, he couldn't help but feel like a fish out of water. Who knew infiltrating academia would be so... bureaucratic?

"Excuse me, sir, do you know where I can find my class schedule?" a student asked, poking her head into Gawin's office with a look of confusion.

Gawin plastered on his best fake smile and pointed her in the direction of the nearest bulletin board. "Right over there, miss. Can't miss it," he replied, resisting the urge to roll his eyes.

But as Gawin delved deeper into the university's labyrinthine databases, something unexpected happened. The more he dug, the more he found himself drawn into the absurd world of academia — endless meetings about meetings, incomprehensible jargon, and the occasional existential crisis over the copier machine.

Before long, Gawin found himself embroiled in a heated debate with a group of professors over the merits of Oxford commas, his cool detachment giving way to unbridled passion.

"I'm telling you, the Oxford comma is the pinnacle of punctuation perfection!" Gawin argued, waving his arms for emphasis.

"But what about the serial comma? It's a travesty, I tell you, a travesty!" one of the professors countered, his face turning an alarming shade of purple.

As the debate raged on, Gawin couldn't help but marvel at the absurdity of it all. Here he was, a hardened hitman, locked in a battle of wits with a group of tweed-clad academics over a punctuation mark.

But just as Gawin was about to throw in the towel and make a run for it, he stumbled upon a nugget of information that made his heart skip a beat. Joss Wayar, it seemed, had a weakness after all — and it had nothing to do with punctuation.

With a newfound sense of purpose, Gawin set off to exploit Joss's vulnerability, armed with nothing but his wits and a healthy dose of absurdity. Little did he know, he was about to embark on the most ridiculous — and potentially dangerous — mission of his career.

UNTOUCH --JossGawin Au (END)Where stories live. Discover now