Ch8-Lorenzo Harper

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I hear Sofia breathing softly as it's the only sound in the car. My Precious fell asleep. I pull up to the driveway where I see 6 men standing and waiting. It doesn't take a genius to guess who they are.

I get out of the car and they all approach me-except for Rhys who goes to get Sleeping Beauty from the passenger seat. He picks her up bridal style and softly makes sure her head is resting on his chest instead of hanging from his arm.

The other men corner me to my car as Rhys takes Sofia inside.

"Where the fuck were you?"-Alex
"Why did it take you so long?"-Josh
"Did Sofia eat?"-Dad
"Did she like the food?"-Ethan
"Did she eat enough?"-Nico

"We were at a small Italian place. She wanted to dance a bit when we were done. Yes she ate. Yes she liked the food. Yes she ate enough." I say through a raspy tired voice.

All the men back off but a little unconvinced at the lack of information on her safety. Like I said, she's the youngest of the family. While Camilla is an actual princess and yes does get treated like one along with Dahlia, Sofia is like a fragile piece of family heirloom centuries old. They treat her like fragile glass. Like if one scar on her knee can affect her whole life and well being. If they found out what happened on that fateful day- God the world would burn down to ashes by their wrath.

I open the door to the backseat and get Dahlia's food, she usually likes midnight snacks. Thought I would save her some trouble.

My room is as neat as it could be as I start brushing my teeth when I hear a soft knock on my door

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My room is as neat as it could be as I start brushing my teeth when I hear a soft knock on my door. I wash my mouth.

I open the door to see Sofia in her silk PJs and holding Kitty. The week of that thanksgiving, while Sofia wouldn't talk to me the rest of the break, I would always see Kitty walking and sleeping around like a grey ball of fluff. She used to be so tiny and surprisingly still is.

"Precious? What happened? Didn't Rhys just put you to bed?" I ask. Concern starts etching itself in my brain but I try to push it away not knowing if I'll be able to control myself if she's in any form of danger or harm.

"Yeah..." she softly whispers. My door is unintentionally wide open. Sofia just walks through and ignores my curious stare. I close the door behind her as she looks around the room.

"You're room is so neat." She says in a soft voice as her doe brown eyes take in the organized room. I walk up behind her and snake my arms around her tiny waist. She gasp but doesn't oppose.

"I don't like too much of a mess." I say staring at her face while she admires how neat my room actually is.

"Can't relate. I'm sleeping here tonight. You can kick me out if you want." She says. I silently laugh.

Only Sofia Chen Volkov would demand she sleeps in someone else's bed instead of asking them. But in her case with her power from her family name to her wealth, she has the right to act like she does.

She turns around with her brows furrowed and a little pout on her gorgeous plump lips.

"Who do you think you're laughing at?" She says it as an accusation and I can tell she isn't exactly the happiest but I can't help but to let a grin take over my face.

"Nothing, Precious. Pick a side and let me know if you want your personal space or not." I say as I go back in the bathroom to take a shower. When I'm done I get back in the room to get my pj pants from the dresser with my towel hanged just a bit lower then my hip.

As I get my Pj pants I hear Sofia inhale a sharp breath.

"Like what you see, Precious?"

"I-I'm ready for bed." She stutters.

I debate wether to change in front of her or not but decide trying to turn Sofia on while being tired and still upset with me, isn't the best idea. So instead I go in the bathroom and but on my boxers and pj pants there.

I come back and see her on the right side of the bed facing away from the other side and cuddling Kitty. I close the lights then get in bed. Making sure to keep my arm open just in case. The veins cover my arm like a web, flexing unintentionally.

I hear shuffling and turn my head to see Sofia eye my arm as if a debate is going on in her head. Kitty is long gone now and is probably finding a corner to sleep in. I overheard Sofia talking about it that week in thanksgiving with Dahlia, how Kitty doesn't sleep in her cat bed but sleeps in either the edge of Sofia's bed or a corner of the room.

"You have veiny arms." She whispers. Her hand starts tracing the different paths. A shiver goes through my body at her feather like touch. She holds her hand back. "Sorry.."

I give up on having her decide and pull her to my chest with my hands on waist. My head lays in the crouch of her neck. Her hands hesitate at first but then they start caressing my hair and I think I'm in heaven. Our bodies melt into each other's, perfectly fitting together. Like two pieces of melted glass.

I feel a wet drop on my bare chest and when I pull back to look at her face she hugs me and pulls me back. I hug her tightly not faltering for one second. Then the bridge collapses and she breaks down. I hear sniffle a couple of times before she jerks away from my touch. She sits up and hugs her knees to her chest while burying her face in her knees. Her soft black hair is pushed to her side as she cries.


She looks up at me with red eyes and my heart breaks.

"You're an asshole."

My eyebrows furrow in confusion. "For what?"

She scoffs and gets off the bed scooping up Kitty by the corner. Before her hand can reach the door knob I stand up to grab her wrist and pull her back.

"No. I haven't heard your voice in four years. I'm not gonna sit back and let you get upset again and start ignoring me again just because you can't tell me what the fuck is wrong!" I didn't mean to scream but I just couldn't stop myself.

She opens the door and just when I think she's about to walk out she puts Kitty down and closes the door. She turns back to me and crashes her lips on mine.

My hands fly to her lower back as hers start to tug on my hair. My tongue plays with her lips pleading for entrance. She accepts and I explore every inch of her mouth. She taste like sunshine and a hint of lightning- which, to be fair, I didn't even know was possible.

Our lips separate once we're out of breath, both of us take in heavy breaths while our foreheads lean on eachother. She opens her eyes and they look into mine with a hesitant look.

"You are what's wrong. Your mind games. Your touch. Your eyes. Your fucking annoying mouth is what's wrong.

"Because I know it can heal the heart you broke as well as shatter it even more then it already is. And I don't wanna take that chance." She softly whispers. Her voice is soft-a contrast to her harsh but true words.

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