Ch4-Sofia Volkov

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Tears weld up in my eyes at Lorenzo's confession. I mean I knew he didn't like like me but I didn't know I was a fucking inconvenience.

"Fine. You don't want me around. I won't be around." I grab my keys and phone before fleeing the house.

I get in my car quickly before pulling out the driveway. I head down the road to- oh my god! I have no idea where to go! I decide to just keep on driving as fucking "heather" starts playing. I listen to the relatable lyrics as a few tears go down my cheeks. I take a turn and see an empty playground. I park near it and decide that I miss swings and slides and having an innocent soul. I can play pretend for a few minutes.

Luckily the moonlight is enough to let me see where I'm going. As I walk towards the swing sets a stray grey kitty snuggles to my feet. I look down a little scared but calm down when I realize it's harmless. I pick it up (probably not the best option) and realize it's shivering.

"Oh fuck, you okay kitty?" I softly ask even though it can't understand me. I hold it up and notice it's a girl. And the fact she has no collar.

"So, little lady, do you have an owner?" I softly pet her while bringing her closer to my chest. She purrs as I pet her. I sit down on the swing softly swinging with her snuggled up in my lap.

"Mmm.. what should I call you?" I ask to a fucking cat. Adorable cat. But cat nonetheless. I scratch under her ear and she starts purring even more. Guess someone has a sweet spot.

"Maya?" I look down to see her shake her head. Guess not.

"Mmm ooh what about simba?" She looks at me like an idiot.

"Your right your a little lady." As I think of more names I hear heavy footsteps from behind me.

"Sofia what are you doing?"

"Naming a Kitten. Which is surprisingly harder than I thought." I answer.

Nico sits down on the swing next to me. "That's probably not the best choice."

"Shhh, she's harmless."

"She? You checked!?" He laughs at me while I roll my eyes.

"It's hard to name her if I don't know it's a her."

"Dad's not gonna let you keep her."

I look over at him with 'you-really-believe-that?' Look. "Oh please dad can barely say no to me, and momma will also fall inlove with her."

"So whatcha gonna name her?"

"You know what? Fuck creativity. Her name's Kitty." I hold her up to him and he takes her in his arms.

"You're gonna get a cold Sofia and I'm not giving you my sweater." He warns while softly caressing Kitty.

"I'm fine." I argue. We stay silent for a moment before he turns to me.

"Enzo didn't mean what he said." He softly says.

I roll my eyes again. "Just because you're my big brother doesn't mean you have to sugarcoat everything for me. He told me he didn't like me. I'm fine with that. I can live with that."

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