Anniversary of Maternity I

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Originally posted on 05 -12 - 24


Shinji's mood for the day had been somewhat dejected and melancholic. Though it manifested not in a gloomy demeanor and attitude, but simply as just quiet and solitary. He simply did not feel talkative or overly social when he set out for school that morning. If his guardian noticed something, she did not mention it. His other roommate seemed a little aggravated when she walked with him that morning. Not in a way that deviated from her normal aggression, but enough to let him know not to pester the redheaded girl, which suited him fine as he did not feel like trying to be chatty with her.

His two friends also seemed to pick up on his mood for the day when he got to school, though thankfully they seemed to let him be rather than try and bother him about it.

'Maybe Kensuke and Touji understand, I suppose they would be able to.' He thought about how they were in a similar situation as him and so perhaps could relate as he turned his eyes to look at his two friends as the chatted among one another while ignoring their class work.

It was hard for Shinji to find interest in his schoolwork as well, with his current disposition; choosing to just stare at it blankly instead, seeing it but not truly looking at what it was about. In fact, he was sure most of the class wasn't paying attention to their schoolwork, as it was the last minutes of the class and most of them were ready to leave. Usually the talkative nature of the students during class hours would result in reprimanding from the Class Representative, but as Shinji turned his gaze towards where she sat, he could see she herself was engaged in conversation as well.

He watched as the Class Representative Hikari was talking with his roommate Asuka and surprisingly the other pilot of the Evangelion program with Asuka and him; Rei Ayanami. It was a rare occasion to see her socialize with others and so it struck him with significance. The sight was intriguing to him and he idly wondered what exactly was being spoken about between the three girls.

'I wonder how Ayanami and Asuka feel about it.' The sound of the school belling ring then interrupted his musings as the class spurred into action to leave for the day.

Standing up he quickly put his papers away and hefted his bag over his shoulder. Looking back, he could see his redheaded roommate quickly exited the classroom and hurried to follow so as to not be left behind. The girl just sent a look his way but didn't say anything which Shinji did not acknowledge either as he just walked a step behind her, though still somewhat wondering what her own feelings on the day were, if perhaps she may have felt the same as him.


Shinji tried to work further on his school assignments in the comfort of his room with the sound of his SDAT, but still it was a struggle to do so. His mind just seemed to keep losing focus, causing him to pause halfway through his work. Pulling out an earplug, he leaned back in his desk's rolling chair as he let out an exhale.

While he didn't want to do his work, he didn't have much else to do either. He wasn't one to celebrate the day, not out of any type of derision or disrespect. It was not a problem for him if other people wanted to celebrate the day. Simply it was just never a day he celebrated out of lack of being able too, at least it always felt like he was unable too.

For how could Shinji participate in celebrating Mother's Day when he himself had no mother?

She had been gone for as long as he could remember, ever since he was a small child and had been abandoned by his father. He held no memories of the woman who birthed him, no idea what she was like, not even via the words of others. Trying to think of her always had him drawing up a blank as to what she looked like, being just a faceless person to him

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