Lovely Company

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Originally posted 02-14-24

Indulgent Valentine's fic.


In the living room sat Shinji as he listened to his sdat waiting along with Asuka as she flipped through the channels of the tv looking for something to entertain herself, before eventually giving up and turning it off to instead look to her phone to scroll through instead.

However, both of their attentions were grabbed as their third older roommate came out of her room. The two paused in their actions with Asuka turning to look at the older woman and Shinji stopping his sdat and pulling out the ear buds. The reason being was that rather than dressed in her usual loosely fitting attire she wore at home; instead, she was wearing one her nicer dresses with high heels in addition to having make up and earring on with her purse hoisted over her shoulder.

"Ah, Misato." Shinji addressed with some surprise.

"Oh, hey guys I'm going to be out for a while." Misato told her wards as she checked the contents of her handbag.

"Where are you going off too?" Asuka questioned with narrowed eyes.

"I'm just going to be with um, Ritsuko! Yeah, I'm just going to go and hang out with Ritsuko for a while hehe." Their legal guardian told them with a titter, "So don't wait up."

"Yeah right..." Came a muttered response from Asuka as she crossed her arms.

"Anyways don't cause too much trouble while I'm gone!" The purple haired woman said in jest as she strutted her way through the living room to the foyer of their apartment, causing a scent of perfume to waft into her two roommates.

Neither Shinji or Asuka replied as the woman disappeared with the sound of the door opening and closing following her.

"Hmph, she's wearing that perfume again..." The redhead teen girl said with a scowl.

While sounding vague, Shinji understood what she meant. It was the perfume that they always noticed Misato wearing whenever she would be out and end up having to be brought home drunk by Ryoji Kaji. It's basically become synonymous that whenever she went out with that perfume that she'd be meeting up with Kaji. Something he knew irked Asuka very much.

"Yeah..." The brown-haired boy replied.

"... I guess she has plans for Valentines after all." The German girl continued with a more adverse tone.

"I guess yeah..." Shinji didn't know what else to say as he always found it a bit uncomfortable whenever the girl got jealous of their older roommate.

The redhead teen looked at her phone again and did something on it again for a moment before then glancing towards her other roommate near her.

"And what about you?" She asked, taking him off guard at the suddenness of her question, "You plan to do anything with your girlfriend today?"

"Um yeah, I was thinking of inviting her over soon." He answered, to which the redhead girl's nose scrunched up.

"Ugh, I'll be leaving then," She told him as she stood up and straightened out her t-shirt and jeans.

"Huh, why?" The boy was confused at her suddenly deciding to leave.

"I don't want to stick around and have to see you two act all lovey dovey for Valentine's Day, it's bad enough on other days." The German girl derided, making him frown.

"We weren't going to do anything really romantic or anything, I'm not even sure she really understands holidays like Valentine's, I was just going to make dinner and spend time with her" The brunette boy explained.

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