Of Chocolate and Girls

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Originally posted 03-14-24

Obligatory White Day fanfic.


March 11th


While Shinji did not necessarily like shopping, he did not dislike it. It was not as though he had much better to do, and besides he needed to ensure he went shopping with Misato so as to make sure she did not buy only instant meals. His older roommate was known for being able to subsist on only instant meals that one only needed to reheat, regardless of the fact that the meals she made with them were often less than good. So Shinji took it upon himself to ensure she also got other groceries for actual meals, especially since he himself would most likely be the one making those meals, he wanted to make sure he had ingredients he could use.

Though the downside of shopping with Misato is that she also liked to browse, which Shinji sometimes found vexing since it delayed them from leaving. The brunette boy followed her as she decided to wander so as to not lose her in the convenience store.

"Hmm, looks like they've started stocking for White Day." The purple haired woman said as she pointed out the section of White Day chocolates down one of the aisles. Her ward followed her finger as she pointed to them.

"Oh, did you want to get any chocolate Misato?" He questioned casually, not thinking much about it.

"Hmm, no I wasn't going to get any for myself; besides it is customary for the men to get chocolate for the women," She explained before continuing with a wink, "I certainly wouldn't mind if you got me some chocolates Shinji."

"Huh? Oh, w-well I mean I could if you wanted some." He replied with a small amount of timidness. The older woman crossed her arms with a pout.

"Well it doesn't mean as much when they have to ask you to get it for them." His roommate said before cracking an eye open and getting a smirk, "Besides, aren't there two girls you should get chocolate for first, hmm?"

"Uh well..." Shinji couldn't help but stutter as she knew who she was referring too, especially since he had been on the receiving end of her teasing after last month's Valentine's Day, when she found out both of his fellow Evangelion pilots, Rei and Asuka, had gotten him chocolate. What really made her tease him though, was the fact that they both got him honmei choco, which was supposed to be romantic chocolate. "I'm n-not really sure what to get them..."

He dipped his head a little, he wasn't sure what to give in return to the girls. Both Rei and Asuka didn't seem to know what the chocolates meant from what he's seen, with his redhead roommate saying Misato was involved in her getting him chocolates make him question if the older woman purposefully set him up. As such, he was unsure of how to reciprocate, just that he wanted to do something of equal value but didn't want to send any mixed signals either.

"Jeez you don't have to look so glum about it." The purple haired woman complained, "Just get them some nice chocolate or some other gift if you really want too."

The boy couldn't help but flush a bit at the idea, though it also made him anxious as he wouldn't even know what to get them for gifts.

"I just... can't decide or think what to get, and do they really all have to be in heart shaped boxes?" He couldn't help but feel a little ashamed at being so indecisive over such a choice. While it did not seem that serious a problem, it still made him anxious.

"Well, it's just easier to represent the themes of the day with a heart, not to mention it's more marketable to those couples who want to make sweet gestures." She explained.

Evangelion One-ShotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora