Rei's 23rd Birthday

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Originally posted 03-30-24.


The details behind Rei Ayanami's birth were unconventional to say the least. She was not born in a womb to a mother, instead she was made in a lab underground to two grieving men. Her birth was the mark of failure in their goals to bring back the dead, her life not being the one they were wanting to create.

Her birth was never celebrated.

Regardless of not celebrating it, she never expected to even reach her fifteenth birthday.

Yet now, not only has she turned the age of twenty-three...

"Happy Birthday Rei!"

She was also celebrating her own birthday.

As Rei Ikari.

She offered her small smile to the people standing around the table she was sitting at, a cake having been set in front of her with frosting wishing her a happy birthday along with two lit candles being set on top shaped into the numbers two and three.

Looking at the guest who had attended, she could the two Suzuhara's with their child, her former fellow pilot Asuka who she has become something of a friend with despite their past animosity, Kensuke Aida who was acting as the photographer for the occasion, and of course, her own husband; Shinji.

"Happy birthday Mama!" Rei couldn't help but smile at the reiterated message.

Turning towards the one who said it had her looking towards the small toddler next to Shinji's who had to stand on the tips of her feet to peer fully over the table. It was a little girl with short dark hair that matched Shinji's, she wore a white and pink child sized dress, and looked towards the center of attention with a pair of eyes the same red color as Rei's.

The little girl was Megumi Ikari and was currently shuffling around the table to her mother. Another thing Rei had never expected to have was children, the nature of her creation and being making her believe she was incapable of being able to, yet miraculously she had come to bear a daughter whom she was enamored with.

"Ah, thank you all." Rei told them all genuinely.

"Enough thanks, hurry up and blow out your candles already." Asuka cried out from where she was standing.

"Asuka!" Hikari chided from where she stood by her husband Touji as she held her infant baby Tsubame, looking towards the mentioned redhead.

Seeing that her daughter had moved next to her, Rei scooped up the little brunette girl to sit her down onto her lap, the girl giggling as she was picked up. Her daughter's juvenile dress proved a contrast to her own mundane clothing she chose of a shirt and pants.

"Here Megumi, help me blow out my candles." She told her daughter as she leaned forward towards the cake with her, "Ready? One... two...three!"

It wouldn't have been at all difficult to blow out the candles on her own, considering there was only two, but Rei knew that her daughter would get more enjoyment out of blowing the candles out then she would and make the little girl happy, which in turn would make Rei herself happy.

Of course, her young daughter wouldn't quite realize that, and simply just thought she was helping her mother.

With a quite exaggerated breath, Megumi blew out one of the candles while her mother got the other one. Once both of the candles were out, the rest of the gathered adults cheered and clapped.

Shinji smiled at his wife and daughter, turning to Kensuke to see the photo he took of the two.

"Aw, what a good girl helping her mom." Hikari gushed as she found her friend's daughter to be cute.

Evangelion One-ShotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora