As her mind was still confused from her sudden awakening caused by the dream, and from her fast-paced thoughts that all in some way were relating to or rounding back to Edward. The door to her bedroom was knocked, momentarily snapping Atsuko back to reality.

"P-Please, c-come in..."

Hearing her words, the person behind the door was revealed to be Mako.

"Princess, is everything alright?"

"... Yes... I just... Had a bad dream..."

"Is that so? Very well... Shall I request for some water to wipe your body, princess?"

"Yes, please..."


And so, the start of what would become a rather unforgettable day for Atsuko had begun.




It was now early afternoon, and Atsuko was once again walking through the hallways of the Neville Manor. And she was in a rather good mood, due to her luck earlier today, which discounting her rather hectic wake up, it was rather calm.

Her breakfast which she had alongside Lysette, Nanako, and Edward, was made by the chef at the service of Lysette's father, but she felt somewhat envious at seeing Lysette and Nanako both getting headpats from Edward after they finished having breakfast. Then later, as she helped Lysette in training Nanako, she ended up talking to Edward who came to check on Lysette and Nanako, and praised her magic skills, though she felt rather pouty at seeing Edward only flirting with Lysette and Nanako.

Then about an hour ago, she happened to pass by Edward as he left the library, and they both had a small conversation, which caused her to find out that they both liked a certain book series.

"*Humming* Today has been rather fulfilling, I had breakfast with Edward-sama, Edward-sama praised me during Nanako-san's training, and I just found out that we read the same book. Fufu! I hope that this day keeps getting better. Hm? Is that Edward-sama?... ... ... Huh?"

Then Atsuko came to a stop as she looked outside a window, and noticed Edward sitting at a bench near the gazebo at the large backyard garden, however, seeing him also caused her to realize something about everything that she had just said.

"... ... ..." <Wait, all of these things that I just said are all related to Edward-sama... ... ... Why am I calling him in the same way as Lady Lysette and Nanako-san!?>

Yes, all of her good memories from this day so far were about the times she interacted with Edward in one way or another. But that was not all, as right now, as she dived deeper into her thoughts, she didn't notice that she began walking forward again, as she unconsciously began making her way to Edward's current location.

<Uuuuuuhh... Why am I only vividly remembering those moments where I'm with Edward-s-... Sir Edward?... ... ... Hm? Why am I outside?...!?> "E-Edward-sama!?"


When Atsuko returned to her senses, she became surprised at being outside, and even more so from being right in front of Edward, she shouted his name due to her surprise, but strangely enough, Edward didn't answer her back.

"Hm?... E-Edward-sama?"

Concernedly Atsuko took a closer look at Edward and saw that his eyes were closed as he breathed softly while holding a book in his hands.

"..." < Ah! He's just sleeping... I'm glad... ... ...> *Glances at the bench and around*

Seeing that Edward was just asleep, Atsuko felt relieved that it wasn't anything worrying, however, she then began looking at where he was sitting, and at her surroundings. And as far as she could see or notice... They were alone. Atsuko peeked at the sleeping Edward, and with a gulp, she sat down on the bench right next to him. In a manner not so different from when Lysette, Nanako, or both, did so as a way to monopolize Edward for themselves.

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