The bartender

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She walked in with such confidence, she wore a white baby t-shirt that said "sp🌶️cy" with blue light wash jorts that went down to her knees. Which isn't exactly clubbing attire, but she stood out, and didn't look trashy like most of the thirsty looking girls in this place..

*snap snap*

"Helloooo can you please make a drink" said some random girl in front of me.

I didn't even noticed I was spaced out. I felt so attracted to her and I haven't even spoken to her or got her name, but I knew I needed to.

I wanted her to come and buy herself a drink, but she stood at a booth being greeted by multiple girls and guys. I really hope she doesn't have a boyfriend, or a girlfriend for that matter. Why was I stressing this much over a girl I don't even know...

An hour goes by and I haven't seen her I start to think she might have left when all of a sudden I see her walking towards me. Our eyes meet and I can feel my face getting red.

"May I please have a Long Island iced tea" she says with a shy smile.

"Absolutely" I say, and I start to mix her drink. I didn't even know what I was going to say. Why hadn't I thought about this part I've had an hour to prepare and I'm blanking.

"You come here often" was the only thing I could spit out. God why am I like this.

"Uh no not really, well I mean sometimes but I run a tight schedule, what about you I've never seen you here before" she says with a nervous giggle

"Oh yea well I just moved here recently, I got offered a job but this bartending gig is just till the end up summer then I start my new job" I reply

"Oh neat, have you made any friends yet?" She asks

"Not exactly, I tried the whole tinder thing to meet new people, and they end up being kind of strange" I chuckle

"Yea i get that, dating apps give me the heebygeebys, heard too many horror stories"

"Yea I didn't think of that..., are you having a good time, this place is always packed, and I've always wondered what
it's like on the other side of this bar"

"Meh, it's alright but it gets old after a while, I'm kind of board to be honest with you"

Make a move. Make a move. Make a move. I repeat to myself in my head.

"I'm off in about 20 minutes" I say checking my imaginary watch. "Wanna ditch this place and get food somewhere I'm starving, and I can drive you home after if you want"

she pauses to think for a moment looking back at the booth her friends are at, and then back at me "yea. Fuck it I know a bomb pizza place nearby and it's open till like 2 a.m" she says before taking the last sip of her drink. Which I didn't realize she was gulping down the whole time we've been talking.

"Refill please"

I nod and make her another drink "it's on the house"

20 minutes passes and she walks back up to the bar where I am .

"Ready to rock n roll" she says with a smile across her face.

"Rock n roll? You're such a twerp" I laugh "yea just give me a minute to collect my things I'll be out here in a second"

I drive to the pizza place only took 6 minutes, we talked, and we laughed, shared likes, dislikes, hobbies. She was so right about the pizza it was so bomb. As she directs me to her house I start to dread the drive back to my apartment. This was the best night I've had in this new town in so long, I didn't want it to end.

I pull into this cute little house that's just outside of the main city and the more country area it looked so peaceful and homie. We say our goodbyes and I watch to make sure she gets into her house okay before I pull out of the gravel driveway and make my way home. The moment I step foot inside I remember I never got her name or contact info. How could I forget to ask I  smack my forehead and a sense of stupidity washes over me. Fuck.

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