IV- Stevia's Story

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                                  Stevia's Story

A scream ripped from her lungs before her teeth broke the flesh wall of her attacker's dirty arm. Mystia snapped back her neck, skin lingering her top teeth as Stevia stumbled away, clutching her wound. She stared at her sister in terror.

Mystia shook her head violently, the taste of metal not abandoning her tongue.

Begone, begone, begone, she chanted mentally as the image of Stevia began to clear. Sister, sister, sister.

Mystia knew it not to be true, the claws digging into her throat, yet she clawed furious at them. The poison, venom, swarmed up her nerves until it was tendrils of vines overgrown on her being. She spat ferociously, helplessly. Stevia pushed away from her.

One more scream bursted from her throat until nothing left it. 

Stevia couldn't bear to look at her sister. It took her a month to be even able to visit her unmarked grave. People watched her, in case she revealed any of the symptoms either. Toxins.

The gods had no sympathy for Atlantians, let alone women. She was graced by never getting Insanity, but it lingered in her chest. As did it, she assumed, in the heart of her daughter when her son mysteriously passed.


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⏰ Last updated: May 13 ⏰

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