Foreword- Nirva

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  They say Atlantis's streets were paved with gold. That Neptune or Poseidon claimed it out of greed. That it was the envy of the gods and all of mankind.

Gold means bloodshed and strife. All riches will eventually lead to it. The attention of the gods is a death sentence. And gods hate feeling anything but worshipped. If gold may be seen as blood itself, only under those circumstances and conditions may Atlantis be paved with such things.

Pain; sorrow; riches; love; famine; modesty against humanity; myths.

Welcome to the lost city of Atlantis. No, we aren't in the sea.

But that doesn't mean it isn't lost. Not that it can't be found.  

Apoleia      Book One of The Atlantis SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now