Chapter 1

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Maya Age 10

The timid and shy me, so scared about going to this new school after we had to move to Pittsburg from Crenshaw, back in Crenshaw everyone knew us every body were friends. But here in this big town , this larger than life school , I am scared to step in because of everything I heard from my friends before we moved . All they said is that kids in big towns were mean and they treated kids like me badly.

My Dad assured me that it was nothing like I was thinking and it was all going to be okay and that I was going to love school. I really hoped what he said would be true. I had my fingers crossed hoping to find at least one good friend. I picked up my backpack and got out of the car wishing my dad good bye.

As I walked into class that I was given a tour of on welcome day, I chose to sit on a corner seat in between so I  am not noticed. Class started with our very gorgeous English teacher Miss Moreno who was kind enough to have everyone introduce themselves so I didn't feel like I was the odd one out. Thank God for Miss Moreno that I didn't have to embarrass myself when I would stammer because I was afraid to speak in crowd.

10 minutes past while in between class here knock on the door and a little boy speak excuse me, ma'am I apologize , we are late. This is Celine and she is in your class. I am her brother and I will ensure that she's on time going further. Right then I noticed this handsome little boy and a cute little girl as old as me that was hiding behind him and timidly walked in.

Miss Moreno introduced Celine to the class and asked her to take a seat. The little girl looked around but the only seat available was the one right next to me in the row in between. She walked in and took the seat right beside me she looked at me with fear in her eyes, but I smiled at her and instantly changed the fear into a wide smile.

Hi, I'm Celine ! What is your name she asked. hi I am Maya I replied. And that is where our story started Celine and Maya inseparable thereafter best friends forever.

Present Day .

At the Walsh's house early in the morning on a practice day .  Where is Maya? I hear her scream. I'm not going to the practice without her. Cedric you better be kidding me. Are you up already? We are late for practice, Where's my phone? I need to call Maya.
Celine, I'm right here downstairs having breakfast. I shout out to her while Mrs. Walsh is treating me to a bowl of cereal. Only I and Mr. Walsh are allowed to feast on cereal in this house as Celine and Cedric are on a strict diet because of their skating careers. My best friend is about to make it to the Olympics soon and I can't be happier. And not forget my boyfriend, her brother, the very same young boy who walked into that class 12 years ago who I gave my heart to and I'm about to marry once they clear the Olympics.

I have got it all , everything a girl could ask for , a best friend and my best friend's brother who is also my boyfriend.  I always looked at Cedric as my friend's brother. Until one year ago when everything changed on graduation party night when I was about to leave with one of our classmates who took me out to prom. Cedric stump into the party and dragged me out of there because he couldn't see me with any other guy other than him. I would've never dreamt that the world's heartthrob figure skater had a crush on the nerdy, best friend his sister.

I always thought that there was a girl code to never date your best friends, brother or sister. But I never dreamt that Celine would be our biggest supporter now she wants me to move in here, but let me tell you I haven't told my parents about this yet because I hardly get to see them, they always on the go for work I don't know how much money they wanna make.

I watched my best friend the love of my life walk down the stairs  in their practice gear each one holding their skating shoes, and bags all set to leave for the day. Now all I only wish for is that my best friend also finds the love of her life and I hope it's that coach of theirs. I see the palpable tension between them. I  am the only one that has noticed the way he looks at C and thank God Cedric doesn't notice this or all hell would lose if it were in Cedric's hands Celine would never have a husband or a boyfriend ever.

Celine comes running into hug me and walk to the counter to have her morning protein shake, behind her her is Cedric who come straight to me and pecks me on my lips, wishing me good morning and then good morning to his mom. We all step out together in Cedric's car to head to the rink for their practice today.
The only thing that I do during their practice is either read a book or prepare for my writing competition. I really hope that one day, my book could be published.


This was the first chapter just a flashback of how the trio met and there is more  to go in the next chapters where you'll get to know the POV of Celine and Cedric, and not to forget the HOT coach Roman, who is the heartthrob of the nation. Stay tuned for the next chapter that would be published soon. Please vote and support your comments and constructive criticism and suggestions are highly appreciated.

Love you all

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