30. Twin Vibe

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Amber POV

"We have to what?"

"It's called a probate show, didn't you come down for Lark's? The family of members crossing are invited and typically comes down," Anika said to her.

"No, I did not."

She would have remembered being invited to come down to see her sister's big day. No, because her parents did not want Lark to pledge and they for sure did not want to see her crossing. Because Lark defied them they temporarily stopped paying for her college tuition. It was a rough few months for her, feeling estranged from her sister because her parents were being assholes.

They got over it quickly once they saw that Lark could do it all on her own. They paid her back the tuition and even helped a bit with graduate school. They rebuilt their relationship and her parents spoiled their first grandchild. In fact, they had Mindy now for a few weeks.

They were having one-on-ones with their special big sisters. Anika was paired with her and she was happy about that. She thought Anika was gorgeous, ambitious, and such a phenomenal person. Married, raising a baby, and handling MAX business as well

"But you do know about probating right?"

Yes, she knew what a probate show was, she attended it last year when the MAXs and the EUs performed it together. Why, in her naive mind, she did not think it was something she would have to do. Stand in front of hundreds and perform?

"I went to you guys probate and it looks like a lot of work. Tell me more about what we're going to do. Are you guys going to tell us what to say? We have to memorize everything or will there be cue cards?"

Anika laughed at her while they were at the MAX house, alone hanging out and bonding. It felt weird to be at the house without her line sisters, or her sister there.

Lark was Laila's special sister and Jameela was Marketta's, and they probably were having the same one-on-ones somewhere. There was no need to pair her with her sister because the point was to bond with someone in the sorority they did not know well. She admired Anika so much that she was happy about their match.

"Cue cards? Girl, why are you so funny without even trying." Anika continued to laugh at her but she was so serious.

That was a lot to remember and recite, especially in front of people. And then there were moves they had to do. Hopefully no dancing. Or in this case, stepping.

"I'm not the performer type person...now my sister..." She stopped herself from saying more. Surely Jade would go off in her probate and people would hype her up. Would people even care that she was a MAX? The unpopular twin.

"We're talking about you, not your twin. Girl, you're going to do great, why, because you're my Spec."

Anika's having faith in her made her feel better, but not to the point she was confident she would not make a fool of herself. She signed up to be in a sorority, not a performing group. It was easy for Anika to shine in front of a large audience, she was a dancer.

After hanging out with Anika, she headed to her dorm room. Once she opened the door, she was shocked to find Jodi there with Jade. They were standing side by side and doing a little dance.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I should have knocked," she blurted out before she had a chance to think. Why should she knock at the door of her room?

"Girl, you're good," her sister said to her. "We're practicing for our show."

Their probate show for sure, but she would not say a word.

"Oh, okay," she said, dropping her bag on her desk. "I'll get out of your way-"

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