(Simon riley) Maybe in another life - 🧸

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Simon was not of many words or emotions. Of course he cared for his team dearly but it wasn't as if he had found a lover and cared with his heart and soul, he only cared because there were team mates. He thought he would never know what it's like to feel real love until her met her.

He loved everything about her, but most of all he loved how understanding she was. At first he wanted no physical contact such as hugs, kisses and intimacy but as time went on he become more comfortable. It had gotten so comfortable that every morning he wanted a kiss before his long day started which she would gladly give him.

Simon never believed he would have a happy ending, he believed he would die alone after retiring or die on deployment but now he had her that changed. What would he do with out her. She kept him happy and sane.

In the end Simon was right though he never would get his happy ending. She died right in him arms a single gun shot to the upper chest. It broke him, the only woman he ever loved gone, the only woman who made him feel human.

He kept her ashes in a beautiful urn that he had picked out , a style that his now dead lover would have enjoyed. The urn sat on the night stand next to his bed.

Simon never did move on or find a new lover, it didn't feel right. He ended up losing his life on a mission gone wrong. Price ended up keeping his ashes along with Simons dead  lovers ashes.

They sat next to each other on the top ledge of prices fire place. It was nothing but a tragic ending for the lovers, they could have gotten married and had kids but in the end it ended with nothing but tears. Price looked at the two urns...

"...At least your both together for eternity..."

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